Friday 18 March 2011

Random Photo Day

I can't get terribly arty with my little point and shoot camera, but this is probably the artiest photo I've ever taken. When My Rare One and I were in Victoria, British Columbia a couple of years ago, we took a Grey Line bus tour of the city on a double-decker bus. This is a photo of the convex safety mirror between the top and bottom decks with the spiral staircase reflected in it.


  1. Wow what a fabulous photo. I love it Debra. Awesome. have a great weekend.

  2. Very nice!! I thought it was a porthole window...

  3. Whooo Hooooo! How *artsy-fartsy* is that?!? :-)))))))))))

  4. Artsy!!! I push the limits with my camera too. :)

  5. You don't fool me. That's Charlie Sheen's third eye, ain't it?

  6. Gorgeous photo, Debra. It reminds me of Alice and the looking hole...Great perspective.

  7. Now thats the kind of photo i would love to take, i too only have a point and shoot but you can get some nice images with them. Good pic!

  8. Very clever! You should do more! Your artsy eye is stronger than you think, if you can get this from a point and shoot. Well done!!!

  9. ol vic is always a good time, unless you're broke!

  10. This is a terrific shot, Debra.You clearly have a photographer's eye!


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