Tuesday 12 April 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here. Exciting news -- we have a winner of my birthday giveaway! Huzzah, I say, huzzah! But before I announce the winner, please let me say a sincere thank you to everyone who entered my draw. I wish you all could have won!

So my person wrote everyone's name on individual slips of paper and put them all in a big kibble bowl. I closed my eyes, put my paw in the bowl, speared a single slip of paper with my razor-sharp claws and pulled it out. The winner is:

Magaly Guerrero of Pagan Culture!

Congratulations, Magaly! Please leave a comment on this post with your mailing address -- my person monitors all her comments and will not publish it. But she'll send you all my giveaway goodies right away!

And to all the kitties who entered my draw, I'll be in touch soon to plan the imminent uprising and revolution . . . oops . . . shhhhh, I've said too much.


  1. Whoo Hoo congrats Magaly! Great pic your Royal Highness and count me in in the uprising (shhhhh)

  2. YeeHaw! Congratulations to Magaly!

  3. Congrats to Magaly!! I'm sure that you are going to love your treats!!

    I must ask, HRH, who is your oral hygienist? Your mouth is SO clean and pink! I'm assuming that your breath is minty fresh too!

    And what is this about a revolution? I assume that you aren't talking about that nasty cold stuff that is dabbed on kitty fur every 30 days. .yuck!!!

    But please, tell me more. . .

  4. Hi Suzie -- Yes, HRH's breath is good unless she's been eating tuna. Then it's FISH BREATH, yuck! And there will be NO plotting of revolution. She's a very naughty cat indeed.

  5. Oh Good Grief....I didn't EVEN know you WERE having a give away. Where have I been......silly me????


    Congrats to the winner!!!!

  6. Congratulations Magaly!

    Or, should I say, comrades?


  7. Congrats to Magaly!!
    I missed it! :-(

  8. he he love the pic! :)
    Congrats to the winner!

  9. Congrats Magaly!

    BTW - LOVE that picture!!


  10. Whoop Whoop...woohoo...for Magaly Guerrero!


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