Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Extravaganza

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here. What a day! I'm exhausted and yes, a little verklempt too.

You know, those Windsors aren't nearly as stuffy as they seem. I offered to choreograph a nice modern processional for them when entering Westminster Abbey and they were quite open to all my ideas.

Oh yeah! Git down with your bad royal selves! Time to move into the 21st century, baby! Boogie on!

Although I've been having a blast here in England, I'm happy to fly across the pond and go home now. My job here is done. They couldn't have done it without me!


  1. I was looking on the telly for you, but didn't see any commotion, so you MUST be tired!

    Too bad that you aren't staying for the party that starts this evening. .then you could really let your hair down! (but maybe that wouldn't be very photogenic. .you know how those tabloids would pick up on THAT!)

    I heard this morning that the new couple will be heading to Canada after their honeymoon. .perhaps you will get to have a private audience with them!

  2. I thought I saw HRH in one of the trees in the Abbey......:D :D :D

  3. Marvelous job on the dance number!! No wonder you're tired. Have a safe trip home. :0)

  4. well done, now hurry home, hrh!

  5. Nice choreography HRH...Looks like a good time was had by all...

  6. glad you had a good time...i'm sure they will miss you

  7. Wow, it's scary how much those people look like the real thing. It would be so cool to see them really do that!

    I do feel sorry for the woman who looks like Camilla. Oh, did I say that out loud?

  8. We can only imagine how exhausted you must be after applying your exquisuitely wonderful talents to help the Windsors..We're clapping our paws for you!

    Miss Bella and Sele

  9. We need more hats in the States. That's all I have to say.

  10. i told you they were a fun group!

  11. I kept looking on for the fur to fly! So glad you were able to lend a paw to the event. And what was your hat like?

  12. Mistress Maddie, HRH wore a very elegant fascinator of her own design, trimmed with mouse fur and budgie feathers.

  13. I love hats...but look goofy in them.

  14. I had made my tea sandwiches, scones and finishing up my lemon pie cookies to enjoy the wedding when my hubby gets home. His mom dragged him out of bed 30 years ago to see the last one, I couldn't do that to him this time.

    I am looking forward to watching all the magestic boogeying! I absolutely love this video, it makes me so happy.

  15. glad to hear you enjoyed yourself,,

  16. will your cat go to Monaco too when Albert marries his girlfriend this summer? :)

  17. oh dear YRH, I hope no poor mice and birds were harmed for said fascinator,lol! Oh hell, thats all the fun!

  18. Hi Dezmond -- Unfortunately, HRH had an ugly spat with Prince Albert a few years ago and has sworn to never darken his doorway again. So no Monaco for her this summer. She had to avoid him like the plague today in Westminster Abbey. He's such a petty man.

  19. ah, sorry to hear that, royal arguments can be a nuisance :) but I promise to bring HRH some wedding cake from Monaco :) I'm invited as usually, no one would miss inviting The Hollywood Royalty :)

  20. Glad you had a great time and that kitty did too. =D

  21. OMG that so looked just like Camilla :) what a wonderful day eh

  22. Great Vid! So, you were at the wedding, right?

  23. Hi Makropoulos -- I wasn't at the wedding but my cat was. She moves in better circles than I do.

  24. So pleased you were able to spend time with royalty as you are meant too, YRH, and I must say your hat sounds just charming...good to know birds and mice are useful for something!

    Good job on the processional...your paw marks are all over it...:)

  25. Excellent choreography there, my good woman! The royals can really get down.


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