Friday 15 April 2011

Stand Up

I saw this great little video last week over at ensouling's blog. It was made recently in Ireland as part of an anti-homophobic bullying campaign.

I love that it teaches the important role that bystanders must play to end any kind of bigotry or prejudice.

For more info on the Irish campaign and more videos, click here.


  1. Oh Debra that gave me goosebumps and was wonderful to watch.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more on the point that bystanders play in any kind of bigotry.

    I tagged you in my blog today : )

  3. Well that left me teary eyed, but in a good way. .I DO wish that the would run this campaign on American television.

    Sadly, there would be people who would make derogatory comments about it (and are such dolts, that they wouldn't recognize themselves if they slapped themselves in the face), but if it gets through to a handful of people every time it is shown, then it is working.

  4. Lovely. Just lovely. And just what I wanted to see after reading this article.

  5. a big applause for this campaign!

  6. very moving...the world may be a different place with education like this gives humanity hope for further evolution!...Maybe we are finally getting it!

  7. Oh, that is fantastic...putting over on my blog too! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  8. This is wonderful! I wish our culture would have more commercials/ads like this!

  9. Oh hon....I loved that..loooved it! There is nothing that gets my back up more than ignorant behavior! Yup am all teared up and cheering for those kids!! Sometimes the best ones to stand up are matter what the age group!! Beautiful hon!
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  10. This was so moving. I'm still wiping my tears as I type this. What a wonderful video.

  11. I too had goosebumps - glad to see videos like this out there.

  12. What a powerful video. And I wonder why we don't have a campaign like this happening in North America!
    Thanks for sending us your snow, by the way >:P

  13. Yikes! I wasn't expecting that, Debra. Left me feeling happy and a bit sad at the same time.

    If I may, I will 'pass' this along. Thanks. Jim

  14. what a fabulous video. glad to see that ireland is finally doing something positive. an old irishman once told me that the definition of a gay irishman was one that preferred woman to drink.

  15. Cheers for the guts and courage it takes to stand up and protect innocent victims of hate.

  16. Thank you for sharing. This prompted me to write a blog post, actually.

  17. I nicked this Debra and put it on my FB...powerful!

  18. This is just wonderful, glad you shared it! Am off to check out the other sites, too...


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