Wednesday 27 April 2011

Ye Olde Roomies

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here. I'm in London now but, contrary to what you might expect, I'm not staying at Buckingham Palace. You know, those bloody Windsors are a real horse-and-corgi bunch and that's just plain uncomfortable for us felines.

So my old pal Lady Gaga asked her friend Elton John to put me up. Since his partner David Furnish is also a Canadian, he was only too glad to do so. And they're going to the Royal Wedding too.

I think they're leaving the baby at home though.

So Friday is The Big Day! I hope nobody gets drunk at the reception and starts a donnybrook. That always seems to happen at Canadian weddings. At least the ones in my person's family.


  1. have a great time...don't forget to take pictures :)

  2. I've been MIA on your blog and missing some truly cute photos (Her Royal Highness tiara). But also want to say thank you so very much for your comments on my blog. You're too cool~!

  3. Leave it to you to have connections! And what a super place to hang!! I know how kitties love to snuggle in with warm, soft babies. until they start to cry, that is!

    Will you be attending Prince Harry's apres party at the Palace? I hear that the Queen is leaving for the "do", and will more than likely take her precious Corgi's with her.

    Of course, it might get kind of wild, and then you'll have to be watchful for that dreaded donnybrook. .just don't be involved, and most certainly, don't start it! No one EVER forgets that, and it will become your legacy.

    So have fun, just not too much fun!!

  4. Such an awesome place to stay while in Londond, but for goodness sakes, STAY OFF THE BABY! I know that they are lovely to lay on, but the consequences would so much worse than a donnybrook.


  5. a) I love Elton John. He can be my best gay (rich) friend anytime. b) That baby has the largest head I've ever seen....on anybody. c) What's a donnybrook?

  6. Oh YRH, be careful, Kate and William and may want to steal you away from your mom..although they may give you the treats that your mean mommy denies you. We can't wait to read about your adventures there!

  7. Hi Just A Gal -- A donnybrook is a free-for-all, down-&-dirty, bench-clearing brawl. Booze is usually involved. Or hockey.

  8. Oh .. when you said you were going to London to visit the Queen I didn't think you meant that one!!!

  9. Hope Her Highness has a fantastic time! The baby is a little scary looking, I'd avoid it...

  10. David Furnish is Canadian? Woo-hoo! I didn't know that! Can't wait to read the rest of kitty's trip! - G
    ***sing Crocodile Rock to myself now***

  11. I always just assumed donnybrook was another term for "Lonon Family Gathering."

  12. I'll be looking out for HRH in case she wanders south a bit from London. I love those baby glasses... I would make my own kids wear those!

  13. dang, that kid looks like his daddy... kinda :O lol

  14. tell the queen I said that baby eltons'? damn it looks like him..ha

  15. Awww. Have fun.

    (PS: Being the Yank that I am, I had to look up the word "donnybrook". Interesting term.)

  16. wow, please take lots of photos,

  17. donnybrook....hmmmm....a new term to add. i hope you are eating your share of fish and chips while you are there!


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