Monday 2 May 2011

Federal Election Today!

Vote early and vote often, my Canuckian siblings! Canada expects every hoser to do their duty!

This evening I'll be glued to the CBC, hanging onto Peter Mansbridge's every word. I'm pretty sure Rex Murphy will be there too, that handsome silver-tongued devil. And can I also hope to see Chantal, My Chantal? I sure do luuuuuvs me some Chantal.


  1. Voting gives you a euphoric feeling of empowerment, doesn't it? And if you don't bother to vote, then you have no right to complain. Happy election day!

  2. I'd take Canadian citizenship just to vote for Celine Dion, especially if Shania Twain would be her vice president :))

  3. Hope it all goes the way you are hoping for.

  4. And I CELEBRATE the fact that Canada is still free, to vote!!!!!!

    Do we appreciate this fact, enough? Do we? Do we? -sigh- I don't think so. 'Tis too easy to forget that there are those, in this world, who would kill us, because we do not follow their *Rules.* Said *Rules* do NOT include free elections.

    But, today, there is one less of these people, on the face of this earth. Not a big deal actually. He's pretty much old news by now. But.................

    "Today, Justice"

  5. We still have free elections in America, too--to find out which politician will be a puppet for large corporations this time around. Hopefully things are better in Canada, eh?

  6. NONE of the above, thankyouverymuch! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    we TOTALLY lack ANYone to vote for! :(

  7. On my way soon, gotta get out of the pjs first. take care.

  8. I'm still looking for a Candian to marry. (Why did I blow my chances when was going strong? Why???)

    Wishing you well with your elections.

  9. cool...more people to make fun of!!!

  10. I love's like giving me the ok to bitch.

  11. I live in a strongly Conservative riding, and that's not likely to ever change, so my vote was a complete waste. But I consider it my ticket to complain incessantly about the ineptness of our government for the next 18 months or so. Plus, my polling station is right next door to a Chinese restaurant. So really, the biggest winner in this election is me.

  12. I'm hooting over Chantal...she's so fine, yes so fine...loves her mind!

  13. Ha Ha I love knitwit's comment. My poling station was at the fire hall and I LOVES fire fighters.

    Sorry I,ve never seen your Chantal,Debra. I watch CTV (WHY, I don't know)but she does look like she knows of what she speaks!

    Good luck to us tonight, Canada!

  14. My vote counted! Will be very interesting for the next hour or so. Hope you have a ball watching too! We LOVE Chantel too!

  15. Some people did not vote often enough yesterday :)

  16. What a mess, eh? It looks like only about 20% of the approximately 40% who bothered to vote elected this "majority." It was a cold slap to the face this a.m. when I recalled last night's results ... and the one truly bright spot is Green Party leader Elizabeth May's election! She's our first Green MP ... and I think that with her, something new is sprouting ...

    The cartoon is a hoot!

  17. I went to bed last night early, thinking that nothing much was going to change. Boy was I surprised when I read the headlines this morning. - G


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