Monday 9 May 2011

Scared About Life Without Oprah

The official countdown has begun to the END OF THE OPRAH SHOW (at least on national TV)! Noooooooooo!

[Maxine Lapiduss, you rock, sister! *wink*]

In all seriousness, I will miss Oprah. Sure, she can sometimes be superficial, silly or preachy, but she also often shines a light on some very serious issues. Certainly she deals with some things that otherwise never get much airplay or discussion on mainstream TV, such as the important role of spirituality (not religion) in a well-balanced life. She has used her life and immense wealth for good, not evil. And she has been a true friend to the LGBT community over the years too.

But will I now shell out extra money to subscribe to the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)? Personally, no. But I suspect My Rare One might have a different opinion on that. She luuuuuvs her Oprah, big time.


  1. I haven't watched Oprah in years....not since I became addicted to Law and Order which airs the same time here.

  2. And I've never even seen one of her shows. Have no excuses for this social gaff either.

  3. A friend of mine used to go to the same church in Michigan when she stayed around here for a while...he said she's a very nice person even when not on camera...

  4. winfrey: mile wide, micrometer deep... nuff said!

  5. I will miss Oprah...a beautiful person.

  6. I haven't watched Oprah in years, but still know how she has used her name, and her money to help others. I think that her heart is truly in the right place, to be a good person, and to help others have a kind heart, and strive to be their best.

    I've been hearing that her new network isn't the smashing success that it was thought to be, and if it sadly should fold, she may rethink having some sort of show on commercial television again. I think that she likes interacting with the audience, and may find it too hard to walk away from it.

  7. I had no idea that she was going off of national TV to star on her own network. On the surface, I would say that she was being a bit greedy or selfish, but it's hard for me to think of her that way. Even though I haven't watched her in years, I always thought she was doing a great job at reaching out and informing the general public. I wonder what all went into her decision.

  8. Maxine's shirts make me happy. (And I may or may not be a magazine subscriber. For over a decade. Shush.)

  9. Oprah kind of irritates me, but her network is awesome. I am in love with this one show called "Addicted to Food".

  10. This Maxine is a badass! I used to love, love, love Oprah, but her commercialism and "this is my new favorite heinously expensive item none of you will ever be able to afford gee ain't it great to be rich like me" thing really got old. And the angry mob starts in

  11. I've never seen the Ophra show, she looks like my sister-in-law, who doesn't like me because I'm pagan. Her new network was on our cable though, maybe temporarily free? We just got cable, but I haven't strayed off HGTV much while I was off work... My brain is a little soggy from too much HGTV... Too bad you'll have to pay to watch her network now. Lois

  12. I will miss her too! I don't watch it all the time but she became my hero when she put up her own money to catch pedophiles. Kind of fell in love with her actually for that even though her celebrity chats drive me insane when she could be changing the world for the better.

    I will definitely not be spending extra money for her channel, I'm trying to watch less TV and save money at the same time but it will be sad when she is off regular cable. I found out about amazing people and books from her.

  13. I quit watching her after she raked the author of a million little pieces over the coals for lying in his thought was.he was a coke head, a drunk and that's what they do..they lie..sometimes just to make the story better...this i understood, she didn't and what she did to him was wrong in so many ways..but I am watching this last year..she's having some great shows.

  14. I've never really watched Oprah but have stumbled upon magazines at the doc's office and some of the spiritual stuff is pretty good. Great Mom's day cartoon in previous post. LOVE LOVE! your rare one's painting...truly talented.

  15. Haven't seen Oprah in ages! I used to love her show until she started preaching to folks on how to live their lives, the Oprah way...but I do believe that she is a decent person who wants to help others.

  16. I will miss Oprah but life goes on :)

  17. love the video...too funny....

    i will miss oprah BIG TIME too...oh...what WILL i do????

  18. I have to admit I am going to miss her. Wish I watched her show more than I do. Her heart always seems to be in the right place - most of the time....or more than a lot of people I know :)


  19. Have not watched her shows ...but have read her O magazine a few times at the hairdressers. Guess I won't know what I've missed. And I don't have OWN TV. Oprah seems like she tries to do good by people. Wishing her good luck.

  20. She has left her mark on our culture.....quite an achievement! She will continue to do good and evolve. We will watch OWN along with your Rareone!

  21. This is too funny, Debz. You have to stop by my pad and read about my Oprah dream I had last night.

    Yeah, it's gonna be sad that I won't get my 'Oprah dose' every day, but she's really not going anywhere. I'm sure she'll be a media force for years to come. I just hope her OWN network doesn't get too hokey with all the self-help shows, Dr. Oz and Suze Orman. I've heard enough about S-shaped poo and broken record financial advice for a lifetime.

  22. It is truly the end of an era!
    I share your feelings about her,no matter what anyone says, she's done some good in this world.

    Depending on your tv package, you may not have to shell out anything extra, I do believe her network is taking over where WTN is.

  23. Her station has a lot of foodie stuff and shows that just don't grab me yet. Rosie's show should nab me when it comes on but I haven't seen anything that intrigues me. Evolution I suspect will cause some shows to come and go...Time will tell! Fingers crossed!

  24. yep, she is one of those people you both respect and find annoying and superficial. I never like her double standards but as you said she often did bring some important issues to light. I also didn't like her hidden racism.

  25. oh man i still have never seen an episode. i'd better hurry up.

  26. I used to watch Oprah on a regular basis...but haven't watched for quite a few years. I'll tell ya.....she is one SUCCESSFUL woman.



  27. She has done some good but I found her a little hard to watch the last while, I guess money goes to everyone's head eventually,,


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