Friday 13 May 2011

Skywalk Safety Decals

A skywalk which I often use has some of those stick-on bird decals scattered on its windows to prevent birds from flying into the glass. But not long ago I noticed that a couple of other flight safety decals had been added. WTF?

I guess this one must be to prevent John Travolta from flying into the window while piloting one of his private light planes.

And we're safe from any unfortunate accident with the Starship Enterprise too. Whew! That was close.

[Photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Oh, that's funny! It really would be bad for the city's image if Captain Kirk ended up in a full body cast there though.

  2. the scientologist have attacked your windows..
    fecking blogspot..making me crazy.

  3. hahahahaaa!
    Those are funny!
    I like your john travolta comment, lol!

  4. At least they put John with his feet close to the ground...

  5. Wow, you Albertans are always cutting edge! I can only Imagine how soundly I would sleep knowing we in Ontario were safe from flying John Travoltas! Envy, envy...

  6. Excellent! I want a Star Trek one for my picture window.

  7. I love this. Love, love, love. How fun!

  8. Those birds are... stayin' alive... stayin' alive... stayin' aliiiiiive...

  9. none of us are safe from the flying scientologists! where can i get those decals?

  10. I did see your post! Must have give me the idea, LOL. Thanks Debra! Wish I could put them on the outside but with the rain here... Wouldn't last long. Oh well! Thanks for the idea though!

  11. You had me giggling with these, D! My home is not nearly as well protected as yours...LOL.

  12. so...the birds just need to see a small dark object and then they sense the window? that makes no sense.

  13. Yes -E- all it takes to warn birds that there's a window there is an object, usually a bird-shaped decal. Otherwise they can't see the glass. It works the same way with us humans too -- think of those eye-level decals you're supposed to put on plate glass patio doors. Saves people from walking through the glass. Ouch!

  14. why try to bring back john 'revolta' in ANYthing?

    but if it saves a bird or two, how can i complain much? lol

  15. now those are a great idea,, I made my own when we lived on the lake,, the whole side of our house was windows so I cut them out of black paper but they didn't work so I hung small grape vine wreaths so many spaces apart and that worked,, I would like the star trek one though,,thank you for visiting me today,, I missed you posting today,,this is new and it didn't come up on my blog list,, as a most recent,, are there still problems I wonder,

  16. I've never heard of this way of preventing birds to fly into windows, how amazing!

  17. We could use a couple of those here! Must find some.

  18. Truth now: did YOU add those, Debra? It looks like the kind of fun, cheeky thing that you (or I!) might do. wheeee!

  19. I want those for my windows. I don't want Kirk in my house. >:(

  20. Hi Rose -- No, I am not the clever person who created the "extra" decals. I simply noticed them one day and admired whoever made them and put them there.

  21. These are actually pretty cool...I like that they keep birds from flying into the's a good thing!
    Happy Sunday!

  22. We use black ribbons because they move in the breeze...we found that the decals just didn't seem to stop the birds from dive bombing the windows. PS..So you've been in and we will taxi you to the Hydrostone..our fave coffee and sweets haunt!

  23. Giggle - I love the Travolta one! Why shouldn't the birds have unique "early warning signals" before they fly into a plate glass window? A couple stickers of HRH might really keep them away!

  24. LMAO! You always crack me up with your great sense of humor...

  25. Interesting choice of decals...but at least they all represent movement...


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