Tuesday 24 May 2011

Warning: Cute Overload!

Blogwise, I've got nuthin today. NUTHIN. So to distract you from that fact, here's some rainbow and unicorn cookies -- nom nom nom! Oh, and also a photo of a bunny and a deer to look at while you're eating your cookie. Enjoy!


  1. Sorry you had to put Word Ver. setting back on. I take it, you were having blog comments troubles?

    What I've noticed personally, is that Word Ver. does nothing to keep out lots of weird-o comments though.

    The weird-o's know a *bot* can't do Word Ver. And *bot* comments are what Word Ver. keeps out.

    So they make a blogger profile and comment that way. Like all the good people do.

    AND Word Ver. does NOT stop 'em.

    Only Comment Verification Setting can stop ALL crap-o-la.

    But......... Maybe you have found differently.....


  2. how cute...the cookies look almost to pretty to eat (almost)

  3. Gasp! Unicorn and rainbow cookies! Just what I needed today! Hooray!

  4. Yay glitter! Though I suppose it might be snow. But I'm sticking with glitter.

  5. I'm melting like bacon in the pan :)

  6. there's a lot of work in those cookies...

  7. OMFG! How FUN!!! Those are amazing!

    And the deer are adorable, too. :-)

  8. Love these pics of two species together. This is what the world is supposed to be.

  9. thumper and bambi, in real life? :O lol

  10. Now I want a unicorn. (The last time I think I said that I was 6.)

  11. Sweetness! I wonder what all that food colouring would to to me? I'd happily pee blue for a day if I could eat a few of those - lol!

  12. I know what happeed! You are still in shock over Stephen Harper's patronage appointments to the Senate!

    Ha ha - just kidding! (Like anyone was surprised or cared, eh?)

    Lovely pictures for us to enjoy today. Thanks!

  13. hey, remember I'm a diabetic..I can only handle so much sugar.

  14. truly, over the top cute today Debra!

  15. I'm going to throw up! JK! That last one is cute!

  16. I can't take this cuteness....
    You're going to make my head explode!

  17. I want one of those cookies... and rabbit barbecue.

  18. Ha! Love when you have nothing!! Wonderful photo of the bunny and deer.

  19. Yum! Who doesn't love a good sugar cookie! And these are extra special! Blue tongue, here I come!!

    And a perfect photo of two of my favorite animals. Now how sweet is that? Starting my day with smiles and warm feeling in my heart (or is that indigestion from all of those cookies?). .in any case, what a great way to start my day!

  20. I'm diggin the rainbow cookie theme!


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