Thursday 23 June 2011

Same-Sex Marriage

We have same-sex marriage here in Canada, but of course it is still being fought for in most other countries. It's an important struggle, so fight on! Some day, people will wonder what all the fuss was about. That will be a great day.


  1. I wouldn't trust the government with much these days.I don't think the government shouldbe able to tell us how to live our lives and they should never have had to approve same sex marriage in the first place.Thanks for visiting, I know how you feel about locking doors but honestly, a person would have to suspend themselves from the roof or be able to scale the wall, we are on the top floor.I worried when we first moved here too,, not now,, hope you have a wonderful day,

  2. Change takes time, but at least we're constantly evolving, albeit slowly. We are fortunate to live in Canada - one of the best countries in the world.

  3. We have no freedom in this country. And the fact we have some retarded christens stops us from developing even further.

  4. we should all move to Canada! And live like Liza Minelly :)

  5. Totally agree with you! :0)
    I could go one about the Gov't and the way it likes to control all too many aspects of our lives, but I won't.
    Great cartoon!

  6. Sometimes it feels like we are living in the Dark Ages. Ignorance and intolerance thrives. But there are many enlightened, informed and sane people who support same-sex marriage. Perhaps this group will outnumber the negative groups someday. There is still hope for the legislation to pass this time. Fingers crossed and positive thinking!

  7. This will take time, I'm sorry to say... What I see is that any difference is greeted with fear and downright anger. I think the anger is with themselves because they are faced with their own fear. These "hate" groups are/must be very unhappy... Always looking outward for the reason for their unhappiness. Here in the midwest (Kansas) we have the infamous Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka. Oooh my...I find them to be awful, and wonder how they can even call themselves Christian??? or human???

  8. Yes, some day.....but in the mean time, like so many other issues and causes, we need to be supportive of each other...this is not anything except fear on the part of others. All I can say for myself is love is love period. Injustice is unfortunately we need to overcome on many levels.
    The Olde Bagg

  9. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state, but obviously, the division has been muddled so much, it is non-existent most of the time.

    My girls found a minister of a Unitarian Church (who happens to be female), who doesn't believe that same sex marriages are wrong, and conducted a beautiful ceremony in a historical church, in what is now a park, complete with ponds, fountains, gorgeous flower beds, and the occasional deer (cue the It was important to the girls that they have a formal ceremony, despite the fact that it wasn't recognized by the state.

    They then went to an attorney and had all sorts of legal documents drawn up, naming each other co-owners, beneficiaries, etc. trying to cover all bases, but knowing full well, that if something were to happen to either of them, that any of their biological family members could challenge the documents in court.

    Personally, I would never do that. I love them both dearly, and respect their relationship and the life that they are building together, but I'm not so sure about some other family members, on both sides.

    I find it completely senseless that they should have to jump through hoops, and are made to feel like lesser citizens, to try and attain a measure of equality that is readily available to two sex couples, just because some religious representatives can sway our political representatives enough to keep a good number of the population, suppressed! I truly look forward to the day when the lawmakers will come to their senses (there is an oxymoron in there somewhere. .I can feel it, but hope that I'm wrong). Ok. .off my soapbox for now! lol

    The top image is clever, and true. .the bottom one is sadly true. But thanks for sharing them both! Keeping the problems in the spotlight, keeps people aware, and informed.

  10. There is no reason two members of the same sex shouldn't be married, and as a Christian, I find the behavior of other *so-called-christians* just abominable. They are promoting a political agenda as opposed to what they SHOULD be doing; love, compassion, tolerance, acceptance.
    Our church is moving slowly toward enlightenment (well, in some areas of the country....) and I can see a day when a split happens over treating EVERYONE EQUALLY, and yes, that includes marriage.
    So my apologies for all the hate that has come from other churches...we aren't all the same.
    Good post; keep it in the spotlight.


  11. They are very close to voting for same sex marriage here in New York. Should be any day now.

  12. Oh, Liza and her gay men...buahahahahahaha....gotta love her for trying to make it work. Goddess knows the most beautiful men I've ever met were gay as the day is long...and their apartments smelled good, they fixed a mean martini and they loved to watch Rent with me. ;)

  13. Yeppers, what sense does it make, for one religion (or a group of them) to make legal laws, for all?

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... What comes next? The Radical Islamists and their wild-and-crazy-legal-laws?

    Why not? If big religions can make laws-for-all, why not Sharia Law too?


  14. As you said, Debra, we just have to keeping on fighting the good fight...There's so many fundamentalists who still are shocked about Darwin's theory but I absolutely believe that same sex marriage WILL happen. I can't predict when or how, but "believing is seeing" and that's what so many of us are doing...Love the "Liza" image ; )

  15. I was thrilled to be able to respond yes to my daughter's question about whether or not girls could marr girls.
    Then, a few years later I overheard a mother LIE to her dughter when the child asked the same question...le sigh

  16. That Liza sign just cracked me up!

  17. It does seem frustratingly slow in coming but as I look back, in my childhood, people were arrested for "homosexual acts" and they most definitely weren't open about it. In the past 10 years, we've seen a lot more acceptance and with more visibility, we'll see yet more in the future. Some day my son will be able to marry and that will be the happiest day of my life.

  18. I agree with you. Within 20 years I think people will wonder what the fuss was all about.

  19. sigh*..stupids peoples ..wait till you see the great poster I got for can steal it.

  20. Awesome cartoon.

    Let's go, NY, let's go!
    Let's go, NY, let's go!

  21. not even in the people's republic of britain.

  22. Yep, NY state is working on it. But can we do it? So many see it as a threat. And at the same time in the US, the press is all over a 51 year old actor marrying a 16 year old girl. Such a strange, sick society. . .

  23. Hopefully one day soon after gay marriage is legal we will look back on it as we do the women's and minorities fight for equal rights. It will be a victory that never should have even needed a fight and should have been, from the beginning, a basic human right.

    Also, I fucking love the Liza poster.

  24. There are very few things in human life that are black and white. Very few things are so clear that we can say with conviction that one thing is right and the other wrong. Treating people as less because they don't conform to what we wish they would be for our own selfish purposes is unequivocally wrong. It is the black to equalities white. IT would be wonderful if for once, rather than weighing the advantages our elected officials would just do what is right.

  25. It continues to stun me how many people get hung up on this issue - which shouldn't even be an issue.

  26. Canada, you are so progressive! I'm jealous.

  27. I'm still living where I risk being deported or even imprisoned... Mind you it doesn't mean I keep my mouth shut ;)


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