Thursday 9 June 2011

Set Your Aspirations High, Girls!

Seriously, it's a sweet life. I highly recommend it! I've been out for nearly 25 years now and believe me, it's the best thing I ever did.


  1. everyone one should be able to live the life they were meant to live, I'm happy for you,,I'm not switching teams though,, lol

  2. I love to think that if any of my kids were/are gay, that they would feel able and welcome to come out. Too many people live that secret life still. :) Lois of the Mothra.

  3. nobody should ever have to deny who they are.

  4. he he love the poster. I'd gladly hang it in churches and similar traditional institutions, who are the biggest enemies of gay people! And I'd send one to Pope in Vatican.

  5. I just went into panic mode! All I saw was something referring to my "as. . ", and setting it high, and wondered what on earth you were now asking us to do!?

    Gravity has had too long a hold on it now, to ever hope of it being high again, without the assistance of a firm body shaper. .and those things aren't comfy at all!

    Then my brain cells settled into place, and I read the rest of the post. . .Yes, anyone can be, and everyone should be able to love themselves, for who they are.

    I've often thought that you, yourself are an excellent inspiration to women everywhere, and this is the perfect time to acknowledge it! Well done, Debra!

  6. Suzie -- aw shucks, thank you, ma'am!

  7. Hon...the world would just not be the same had you not!! We should all Let Fly with who we are and it should be safe to do so!!
    Huge hugs hon, Sarah

  8. it's a rather expensive proposition for me...

  9. I just noticed that you are in Edmonton. Here is a hug from me in Regina to you in Edmonton. Hugs Karen

  10. Why was I "cursed" to be attracted to men? ;) Women are just so beautiful and lovely like yourself, Debra even if we've never met outside of the blogosphere. Keep fighting the good fight while reaping the love and joy you deserve.

  11. Congrats on your anniversary! The world needs more tolerance and acceptance. Keep up the good work!

    Next time we go to VT you should meet us at King Arthur, and bring some of that Robin Hood flour!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. It's a great poster. I believe each of us has the right to be whatever we choose be in gay, Pagan, Christian, married, single, etc.

  13. I agree with Laurie...everyone should be able to live the life they were meant to live. And I must say congratulations on 25 years of being out. My gorgeous, wonderful, talented lesbian niece and her partner have been together for 27 years. Such a happy, happy couple there has never been. Everyone deserves to love whoever they are meant to love.
    The Olde Bagg

  14. That's right on! Here's an old quote my daughter had hanging on her wall that I still love.

    "Be who you is, cuz if you be what you ain't, then you ain't what you is."

  15. Well, now you want to take some of my fans huh? just kidding, it's great that anywant can express love (and make too) to whoever they want without worries if they have the same thing between their legs.

  16. Those are some high goals! ;-) I hope all girls that have that goal reach it <3

  17. i wish i were a lesbian cause most of the time i just can't stand men!

  18. Been out for 45 years - there's no life like it!

    But if I became a Lesbian then I'd make love to women which would make me str8????? right???

  19. YAY!
    I'd like to be a lesbian, my friend(who is happily out and married to her love) swears up and down I am one,but nope I've felt nothing strong enough to switch sides for yet. Although..I did meet a woman last year who gave me belly flops..there may still be hope!

  20. I will admit to having girl crushes from time to time, but alas, I'm straight as a board. But I do dream that some day whom we love is a non-issue and we accept people without forcing them to fit into the impossibly small box we carry around with us all the time.

  21. Funny, funny poster! You really make me laugh out loud, Debra!

  22. Isn't it wonderful that we are ALL so very different...makes life so much more interesting.


  23. Yay! I love it! - G

  24. join the military to become lesbian? who'da thunk it? :O lol


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