Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Longest Day of the Year

And the Goddess named Herself the Unquenchable Heat of Life. Sparks were struck from Her dancing feet so that She shone forth as the Sun, and the stars were caught in Her hair, and comets raced about Her, and Element Fire was born.

I wrote this down many years ago as part of an invocation ritual but failed to note the author's name. It might have been the late, great Shekhinah Mountainwater, but I can't remember for sure now.

Anyway, Summer Solstice blessings to you all!


  1. What a beautiful invocation and I love that picture as well. While I do associate the Sun with the masculine, we all encompass both the feminine and masculine so each person may identify with one half more than the other.

    Happy Litha my friend!

  2. I love this invocation! perfect.

    Winter Solstice here.. blowing a freezing cold gale outside :)

  3. Beautiful post! Happy Summer Solstice!

  4. ...and to YOU and your rare one, foxy.

  5. Such a beautiful quote. I do the same thing. Write things down in my journal and omit author's names.

  6. Beautiful words! Solstice Blessings to you and yours! :0)

  7. And to you! I changed the flag on the balcony ... from welcome to the shining sun. And, it's hot enough! :D :D

  8. Those words are so strong and magickal! Beautiful. Glorious sun scarf too. Blessed Litha to you and those you love!

  9. Beautiful quote and I love the photo of the gorgeous sun dancing goddess...May the fae bless you and your loved ones with only the right kind of magick and blessings, Debra

  10. happy summer solstice to you ,I just talked with an Australian friend and she's celebrating Winter Solstice, our planet is so wonderful,

  11. awesome quote for this wonderful day!

  12. Lovely quote and lovely illustration.

    Happy Solstice to you, as well.


  13. Beautiful quote...Happy Summer to you!

  14. Hey Girlene!

    But of course you have a mention of the summer solstice today! I came to your blog to post you a 'happy summer solstice' note and you beat me to it!

    Have a great summer! Wooooo-hooo!!!

  15. What a beautiful quote. Thank you so much for sharing it.
    Blessed Solstice.

  16. Hmmm, I left a message earlier, but it didn't show up. Sigh. I apologize if this winds up being a duplicate.

    The invocation is lovely. It paints a beautiful image instead of "hot and sticky".

    And for me personally, it is the turning point, for we are now on the road towards Autumn, and Halloween!! lol

  17. It's been hot as blazes down here for 2 months. Looking forward to the progressively shorter days. Happy Solstice!

  18. And to you. Only 6 more months to winter solstice and my birthday.

  19. thx deb, and right back to you and yours! :)

  20. Lovely weaving of words,Happy Summer Solstice Debra! Enjoy!

  21. oh yeah, i forgot about the solstice.

  22. Thank you Debra and here's to a great, long day for you and yours.

  23. glowing in the ritual of the day. arms outstretched and taking in all the energy. Thanks for keeping me on
    top of all the goings on in our beautiful world and thank you for being a continual visitor, commentor, and friend. All the very best to you and R.O. this summer.

  24. Happy Summer to you too! Enjoy all that warmth up there!

  25. Thanks for visiting.
    ~wishing you a beautiful summer~

  26. Yay, summer! Hope it's a good one for you :)

  27. Absolutely stunning! And the sun finally visited us yesterday. Far from really being warm but I will take it. Blessed Summer Solstice my friend!

  28. Gorgeous photo! My friend from Bangladesh has some stunning saris & fabric, but that one is amazing!

    Hope your Solstice was wonderful!

  29. Very lovely, I could see this quote illustrated in a book.

  30. Your invocation allows us to see the Sun Goddess even without a photo!

    Thank you, for sharing.


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