Tuesday 26 July 2011

Moochie's Sneak Attack!

We discovered that the Moochie clan was mobile one pleasant summer evening when they all showed up on our doorstep -- unannounced -- about half an hour before supper time. The law of hospitality required that they be fed, of course. It took a week's worth of groceries to do so.

We were far from being a well-off bunch ourselves so seeing all that food disappear in a single meal was a heavy blow to our family budget. My mother was not pleased.

They stayed for about an hour or so, just long enough to eat and have a short visit. Finally, Moochie pulled my father aside, bummed some smokes and gas money off him and then they all motored off in a cloud of acrid exhaust fumes.

Boy, did my Dad hear about that later, too.

Tomorrow: The Big Bag o' Teeth


  1. I wonder if Moochie is related to my cousin Franc; they sound like they were spawned (and raised) by the same mother.

  2. Oh wow. I so dislike surprise guests. I budget groceries very frugally [spel?] and surprise visitors can mess up a menu plan for the whole week. I feel for your mother!

  3. Sounds like a couple of my hubby's sisters. They'll even come with a bag of fruit for us, and then eat it all up before they go.

  4. And we wonder why we laugh (and cringe) at characters like cousin Eddie in the "Vacation" movies. Because we all know one. .and if you don't, maybe you better rethink your own manners and relationships with your family. .you might be your family's "Moochie"! lol

    I don't blame your Mom one bit! Talk about feeling used and abused! And your Dad was put in a no-win situation. Did your family move and didn't leave a forwarding address? :-)

  5. thats a good one,, I think we can all "relate" to this,, have a super day!!!You started mine off with a smile,,

  6. Ah yes...the joys of relatives! :0)

  7. So long as it's a BIG bag. I can't tell you much tiny bags of teeth upset me.

  8. They lurk and pounce according to the Law of Take!

  9. An interesting relative, hmmm...I loved your comment on my blog this morning...yes all one...moochies and all! Thanks for stopping by so often...can't wait to get the cath out of my arm..will be much easier to type...hopefully more energy soon too:-)

  10. Can't wait for the next installment!

  11. Is anyone else here reminded of National Lampoon's Cousin Eddie? ;-)

  12. The nerve of that Moochie clan! Taking advantage of your families generosity. I have family that likes to do the same...and if I don't put some kind of meal out for him...he starts grazing my canisters on my kitchen counters like he's at restaurant buffet. I usually have set out fresh organic fruit, pistachio nuts, whatever has just come in from the veggie garden, granola etc. The thing we dislike the most is how he just reaches in with his hand and grabs things in the canisters. We usually take things out with a scoop. So here he is munching on nuts with his fingers in his mouth...and diving right back into to the canisters....needless to say...anyone who sees him doing this refuses to eat anything left in the canisters. He just grosses them out. Maybe I'll just send the remainder of what's left in those canisters home with him next time. Nah!!! On second thought if I do that he'll just be back more often...damn moochers!

  13. imagine if they stayed for a sleep over!

  14. The moochies in mom's family always showed up within the hour before a meal. That must be part of the moochie code.

    I don't know what your mooches looked like, but I picture all moochies looking like Clark Griswald's moochies from "Family Vacation"

  15. this is exactly why i have absolutely nothing to do with my relatives!

  16. ugh...never prepared for the sneak attack surprise guest. love this!

  17. And Dad should have *heard about that,* from Mom!!!

    Bad enough to be forced into feeding them. But to give him money, was beyond the pale. Empowering and all that.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Dad!

  18. We are good at hiding and have not been found yet by this side of our family...either that, or we are this side of our family...

  19. holly cow...such bad manners :O

  20. yes, but you could probably do the same at their house. i know the type.

  21. This is why I never answer my door;p I'm a hermit. Anti-social too!

  22. Can't say we ever had any moochie relatives but I am so enjoying the continuing saga of your moochie.

  23. Ha ha ha...love this story! And I love LaelShine's remark. It pretty much describes me. I've considered removing the doorbell :)

  24. that's what they make bologna for.

  25. the nerve of some people's children! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  26. There's one in every family -- thank goodness though you're only related and not part of the immediate family! Makes me think of National Lampoon's vacation

  27. As a professional moocher, I resemble this post....

  28. the law of hospitality, probably the most ancient of laws. i liked your story of moochie. i have some friends who live in skid row here in los angeles. they have at different times been involved in illegal activities, nothing necessarily violent, just illegal. very poor people have different lives. they are beautiful people, just as we all are, i suppose.
    nice to meecha.


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