Thursday 14 July 2011

We Can Deny Them Nothing. NOTHING.

Thanks to Kal over at Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool for finding this video! By the way, Her Royal Highness sends greetings to Admiral Fluffy and says she'll see him at astronaut camp this summer.


  1. I heard Admiral Fluffy could be the new captain in the upcoming STAR TREK series!

  2. All Hail Admiral Fluffy! :0)

    (I sure hope he doesn't have to cough up a furball in that spacesuit!)

  3. Hi, thanks for dropping by the crafty chicken. Do you fancy giving the 5 a day blog challenge a go?

  4. I'd like to see someone put dex in one of those..count your fingers.

  5. Miss Minga is wondering if there might be a part in there for her as well.

  6. Don't leave Sunny Bunny Boo Boo Head out of the fun. Remember he has no tail so the suit thing would be less of a thang....Linda

  7. Who comes up with these cute videos and puts them together is a genius. This one was pretty cool!

  8. Lol - awesome! For the gods'sake, don't show Dex, Daisy & Beau. I'll be in the poor house if I have to send 3 cats to space!

  9. Hey Debra, Thanks for the words of encouragement!

  10. We're envous (we think) that YRH is going to kitty astronaut camp...Mom won't let us out of her sight and we plan to spend the Summer chasing baby birdies and lizards. We cant wait to hear all your adventures, YRH!

    Miss Bella and Sele

  11. Admiral Fluffy! LOL. CATS IN SPACE... makes for a great title.

  12. Next episode: Litter pan in Space!!!!

  13. That is fantastic!!

    My cats would just like a truck load of salmon....every day :) But there are days I would be happy to send them to the moon! :D


  14. Very cool! Why can't my cats be cool like this?

  15. I'm impressed. My cats were impressed. The dog not so much.

  16. cute! I ain’t letting my babies go to outerspace though no matter how much they wanna go.

  17. The all-knowing look on Admiral Fluffy's face in that last frame reminds me of The Cat from Outer Space:

    "I'm a scientist. With degrees in mathematics, quantum theory, and astrophysics"!!

  18. This is just perfect!


  19. Fortunately, my felines love their Mother Earth. I would miss them too much!

    And perhaps it is best. .can you imagine them landing on the moon, with all of the dust? MAJOR litter box! Now what kind of first impression would that give to our galactic neighbors, to have some creatures jump out of their spaceship, only to promptly dig a hole, and. .well, you get the picture!


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