Monday 19 September 2011

Avast, ye swabs!

Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, matey! And I, Her Royal Highness the cat, be The Pirate Queen! Hand over yer gold and I'll spare yer miserable life, you poxy landlubber.

And that's not all there is to celebrate today, me hearties! This be the 3rd blogoversary of this scurvy rat-trap of a weblog so here's a round of grog for you all! If ye be not a follower already, curse ye and sign up now! We're feasting later on all the cake and rum ye can stuff into yerself . . . .

Oh, sorry, wrong cake. Here be the real one . . . .

Arrrrr, ain't she a beauty? (And just ignore the 4's on it -- pirates can't count, except it be gold doubloons.)


  1. gotta love the naughty kittens!

  2. now thats a good one!!Great photos too!

  3. Happy Blogaversary. I knows me 5 A's = Arrrrrgh, Avast, Ahoy, Aye and Aye Aye, blow me down if it ain't 3 you'll be getting.
    And wench your cat is goodie, Arghhh.
    Cap'n Bagg

  4. Yar, back when I used to work, our office observed this holiday every year. No joke. My boss even dressed up as a pirate one year. He was, um, a special fellow. Yar.

  5. Yo Ho and a bottle of Rum!!!!!! Happy Blogaversary!

  6. haha this was cute! Yo Ho Ho! Congrats on your 3 year blog anniversary. :)

  7. Thank ye for this reminder lass! It totally slipped my rum-soaked skull that it was this special day today!

  8. Happy merry and ass slaps. You should get a tattoo to commemorate this historic milestone. Or a pony. Either way.

  9. I take it that is rum cake too. ;)
    Gotta love a party and one with pirates is all the better. Arrggggh.

  10. Love pirates, rum and cake. And cats too!

  11. So relieved it's just Talk Like a Pirate Day; I was worried you were moving on to HRH's tattoos.

  12. Happy blogarghversary! Love that cake. Er, the pirate one, matey.

  13. Ah, pirates and cats. Perfect. Happy blog birthday. :)

  14. What a wonderful day for a blog-birthday - especially one that is all ship shape and Bristol fashioned ;-0

  15. ROFL great post so glad someone else remembered talk like a pirate day. It's a big deal at our house although I did not post on it. Just to many other things to do this morning. Thanks for sharing and I am so glad you took up blogging. I enjoy your blog tremendously and your visits to my blog

  16. I am talking pirate talk on facebook..they have a think you can click on and it translates everything to pirate lingo..I love it..

  17. Well, happy blogoversary to you, Debra! Wish I could write like a pirate, but I suspect that can't write --

  18. i told my dad about this (it's his birthday today) and he was not amused for some reason!

  19. I can't believe I missed this important holiday!
    Shiver me timbers.

  20. thnaks for visiting this morning, I love the sound of those Rowan Berries,, gotta keep those fairies away!!My gramma said we should all have a rowan bush at our gate to keep the bad fairies out!

  21. Happy Blogoversary!! And may you have many more happy, fun years of blogging!!!
    Rum and cake? Quite the combo!

  22. Happy Blogaversary, HRH! Obviously, you can have your cake and eat it too!

  23. Pirate cats? I like where this is headed.


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