Friday 21 October 2011

HRH Acts Up and Acts Out

Well, Her Royal Highness the cat has been giving me nothing but attitude lately. At 16 years old, she is like an out-of-control teenager -- except that in cat years, being 16 makes her 80 years old. So maybe she's really like an out-of-control senior citizen. Both are impossible to deal with, quite frankly.

I do the best I can to maintain a calm, even keel but I've had to put my foot down about the language she's using. Where she learned to swear like a sailor, I'll never know.

Where did my sweet little kitten go?


  1. My Crouton is very upset that it has been raining for a month which seriously hinders her outside time. She loves to peek at the boy cats next door, when they are outside on harnesses. She howls in the middle of the night and carries around her crocheted blanket, which I'd love to see but she only creeps around with her blanket when nobody is looking...

  2. now thats a scary cat!! Maybe its dementia,

  3. On eof my friends' cats was yowling and hissing and jumping onto things then REOWING if something knocked over. I was laughing and she said, "Don't do that! You'll encourage her!"

    Found myself wanting to be sure I didn't swear...

    Finally the cat just sat at her feet, making sounds that come ONLY from a Siamese.

    She stood up, arms akimbo, glaring at her. The cat shut up and stared back. Finally my friend said, "USE YOUR WORDS!"

    It hissed and stalked off, tail up.

    I lost it. Cat 12, friend zippo.

  4. LOL! Oh no, they get worse with age? I have four and I can't imagine it worse than what it is now. They all run through the house like maniacs, knocking over lamps occasionally and sending things flying off tables. We have two that are incredibly vocal... and come to think of it, the oldest one who is 11 is really starting to yowl a lot more. He complains and bitches about everything! Oh dear...

  5. you should buy her a dog, it would keep her busy and she could swear at him :)

  6. Did you give her a bath??? Shame on you...don't you know that HRH is always clean...

  7. My senior citizen has become very demanding...from howling in the middle of the night because she wants your company to jumping up to steal your food...while you are eating it.

  8. Ouch I was laughing so hard I snorted coffee through my have a great weekend.

  9. every once in a while they just need to reaffirm who's really in charge.......

  10. People who think cats have no personality really have no clue. But I have to say, I love an out-of-control senior citizen. I aspire to be one someday!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. OHMY! I'm laughing so hard right now!
    How like a cat! I'd expect nothing less.

  12. Just being October may have something to do with it. See if she's still acting like this in November...Hahaha...too funny!

  13. Ha Ha. I agree with Joyful Things. She just wants you to remember who's da boss!! How did you happen to forget??

  14. Thank you for this post. You made my day!

  15. my cat "Dinner" knows not to speak that way.... or else.

  16. That cat, like any other cat, is freakin crazy!

    If it's so old, it might have feline alzheimers!

    If that's that case, just nod your head and agree with everything the cat says!

  17. We had a cat for 19 years, but she actually got much mellower with age - to the point where not much seemed to faze her - she'd happily go out in the pouring rain! Maybe it was feline alzheimer's - all I know is that it was a pleasant change after many years of total bitchiness.

  18. My wife used to have a cat. She got to be one mean bitch in her last few years. Can you call a cat a bitch or is that double offensive given the dog/cat hatred?

  19. it might be from that time she spent with Dexter..

  20. Hilarious! And I know what you mean about senior citizens and how they can be!!!!!

  21. Hope HRH isn't leaving you "gifts" around the house... ones that she made all by herself.

  22. Well now she learned it from somewhere Debs! But again at 80 I do think she is entitled to say anything!

  23. LOL! From now on I'll tell annoying people to go unfuck themselves, I don't want to be rude, you know?

    HRH is a genius! I mean *cough, cough* what kind of language is that? *cough, cough*

  24. As so often happens, with age comes cattitude.....

  25. I have to admit, a cat person I am not. However, cats saying "fuck". I'm all over that shit.

  26. The more attention I lavish on The Admiral, the more he has contempt for me. That purring he does is all show. He is 16 too. What the hell happens to them at that age.


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