Wednesday 30 November 2011

My Drumming Circle's 10th Anniversary

In October, the Women's Drumming and Goddess Chanting Circle which I facilitate marked 10 years of celebrating the Divine Feminine! When I started the Circle in 2001, who knew it would last so long?

This definitely called for a parTAY! So, of course, there must be balloons . . .

. . . which must of course be in the colours of the Triple Goddess: white for the Maiden, red for the Mother and black for the Crone.

And what's a celebration without door prizes in pretty gift bags?

The swag included an assortment of smudges, a set of Louise Hay affirmation cards, items honouring the Goddesses Yemaya and Athena, plus a lovely Wheel of the Year from the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.

Here's a shot of the Circle set up in our downstairs family room prior to everyone's arrival. We had 18 women attend that evening and believe me, we raised the roof with drumming, singing and much snacking on goodies!

Blessed be my Circle's past, present and future and all the women who have attended and will attend! I am grateful for all.


  1. Deb I think this is a wonderful idea. sounds like much fun. hugs to you.

  2. Totally cool - I Soooooo wish I could find "sistas" like that where I live!

  3. Goddess chanting circle? Oh,my, Debs :))) Can I be the High Priest of your cult?

  4. what a great time you had! My niece Kerri lynn Shellhorn is a phycic and medium in Guelf area and she works with the lady who's cards you mentioned, interesting,

  5. Love it :) We are all goddesses! ... Not looking forward to the crone stage though ... lol!

    I can only imagine the energy in the room.

  6. A decade! WoW! May the Group have many more glorious years of drumming! :0)

  7. wow..10 years..that's amazing..but then so are you.

  8. Wow, that is fantastic. And congrats the decade. Wishing there was something like that around here.

  9. Congratulations! I didn't know that you had a group. Maybe you mentioned it before I started to follow? Will you be explaining more??

  10. Sounds like such fun...Would love to have been there...

  11. Hi Francie and anyone else who wants to know more info about my drumming circle -- clicking on the link in the first line of this post will take you to an older post with basic info about the Circle, or if you want to see all my posts about the Circle, just click on "Drumming" in the Label line at the end of the post or over on the blog's right hand column Label Cloud.

  12. wish i could drum in your circle. love all u do.

  13. Happy Happy 10 years of drumming, humming, strumming!! Fabulous party, wish so much I could have attended. How did HRH take to all the festivities? Bright blessings to you all1!

  14. That kind of longevity in a womyn's circle is fantastic, and a testament to trust, love, friendship & devotion. Congratulations--and many more!

  15. 10 years! Must be successful to have lasted that long...good on you drummers! It must be quite comforting to have this fellowship (if that's word works here). Congrats!

  16. bb and grats on the big 10... may you have another 100!

  17. Thanks Debra. It sounds so wonderful. When i get over this move thing I'll go back and read some of the other links because I'm curious where your rituals originated. Or did your circle plan them??

  18. Hi Francie -- I created most of the Circle's format and rituals myself but they are definitely based on what I have learned over the years in other people's Circles. All the songs and chants I have learned from others or from recordings.

  19. Sounds great! Congratulations. 10 years strong!

  20. Aww Congratulations!
    What a true success.
    My friend introduced me to drumming..she says it saved her life, I can see what she means by that.
    I have hinted at the Hubs to buy me a drum for Christmas..if he doesn't I;m marching myself down to get it myself. I love how drumming makes me feel.

  21. Congrats on 10 years!!

    That reminds me, I have to pull out the song book you sent last year!

  22. Hi Debra,
    Wow... that is so cool. It must be wonderful to be a part of a Women's Drumming and Goddess Chanting Circle and have it last 10 years and still going strong. I had a women's study circle for about 6 months but then everyone went their own way. People heading off for college and some were getting married. This was a long while ago. I have often thought of starting something up again but I simply don't know how to do it or how to make it interesting enough to keep it going.

    I think what you have is incredibly special. May it continued to be blessed and keep going strong.

    Bright blessings,

  23. Hey Congratulations. It's been a long time! I'm just glad to see you're still doing what you need to do to reach the community in which God put you!
    Drums classes

  24. sounds like a perfect celebration :)

    yes without gifts and balloons ,no event is complete :)

    glad you had fun with friends

  25. This is so beautiful Deb! Big Hugs!


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