Thursday 15 December 2011

A Classy Christmas Craft

Yes! It's a charming angel made out of a tampon! (An unused one, it goes without saying.) Full instructions on how to make this extra-absorbent celestial being are found at I-Madge-ine the Twaddle blog -- click here! Get crafting, girls!

[Thanks to Elly at BugginWord for featuring this on her blog first!]


  1. Hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry sorry I've retired from teaching. Would have loved to have made his craft with my class. I'm going to share this on fb with my teacher friends. They'll love it!!

  2. I always knew angels used tampons!

  3. Very cleaver.
    Have a happy Christmas

  4. Hahahaha, and here I thought the whole point of Jesus coming was to save us from the Curse...! Very cute idea :)

  5. ..."And the Angels will come and wash the blood away from the Earth."

    Very inventive!

  6. now i know what to do with the whole box of tampons under the sink since i dont need them!!

    *honey! dont make any plans we are crafting with tampons tonight!!


  7. A cute looking ornament that also soaks up blood? This is the PERFECT Christmas decoration!

    The Christmas Mass Murder

  8. Now that's Creative! :0)
    Off to check out Elly's blog......

  9. I love it. Tampons are in high demand in my house, though. Daughter and I fighting over them... and one cat loves to steal them from the bathroom and hide them all over the place. I think I will sacrifice a Super-size one, since that is fairly useless to me these days...and make a Super-sized angel [or goddess] for my tree.

  10. I must tell you....only You would find this sight....what a crack up.


  11. omg...i have visions of tampax angels dancing in my head. and how about used tampon red devils for valentines day?

  12. Wait what? Did I read that correctly? A Tampon?? Wow, talk about crafting using normal household items!

  13. I too could've used this craft when I was teaching sex ed to 6th graders! you have a craft I can do with an old, unused pregnancy test? My bathroom cabinet is finally going to get cleaned out!

  14. re your comment: well-played, madame.

  15. The last time I saw a Christmas ornament made from tampons was back in the 60's! The whole tree was decorated with dyed tampons! It was not too bad. Not as fancy as the one you have here though!

  16. OH thats good! And if they were on a tree, how great to whip one off to absorb a split cockatail at a party!!!!

  17. How funny! I was just thinking of a friend who decorated her tree in tampons diped in red and green food colored water...I never really told anyone about her tree because I knew no one would believe me...but now...a topper for the tampon tree...permission has been granted!

  18. I'm at a loss for words...rare for me..haha

  19. ok, then...

    must be in the kitchen, since the gfi is so handy ;)

  20. I've bookmarked the page, and I'll make it! How lovely!!!

  21. Two horrific Christmas images in a row? You fill my sad heart with the true spirit of the holidays.


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