Saturday 31 December 2011

An Important New Year's Eve Message

Hi, everyone. Father Time here. I have one question for you all.

Where the FUCK did 2011 go to?

Wasn't it just yesterday when I was the New Year's Baby, all cootchy-coo and cute as a button? And now here I am, a grizzled old codger about to get the bum's rush out the door.

I know, I know -- tempus fugit or time flies or some such bullshit -- but this is frickin' ridiculous, you people!

My only consolation is that YOU'RE all a year older too. Keep that in mind during 2012.

Now get out there, live life and have a great year!


  1. Happy New Year to you too, my friend. Thanks for all your support and validation in the past year. I agree with you. It went fast. I have the posts to prove it.

  2. Happy New Year's Eve to you! I know what you mean. Time is flying faster than the speed of light it seems sometimes. The years are flying. Just yesterday my son was a newborn baby all curled up in my arms and today he's nearly 6 feet tall and pretty much all grown up. (Yeah, he's 18 but that doesn't mean all grown up. LOL)

    Well, here's to getting out and living life in 2012!

    Cheers and Solute and all that good stuff my friend,

  3. Great post! Happy New Year awesome lady!

  4. Happy new year to you! 2012 is going to go by even faster.

    The older you get, the faster the years fade away into the distance.

  5. Great post to start the last day of the year with. Happy New Year! Looking forward to reading more of you in 2012. Time sure does go by quickly. And it seems to be picking up speed as I get older. Oh well...just enjoy the time, no matter how fast it goes by.

  6. I have a feeling evil orcs have stolen our precious year and Hobbits aren't quick enough to bring it back for us

  7. ~good morning my dear friend...only you could put life so eloquently in perspective...hehehe...this has been my thought lately...where did it go but so so happy to be saying goodbye to 2011! i hope you and yours had a blessed holiday...many happy wishes ahead...much love light and blessings always shining brightly upon you this year ahead~

  8. very well put my friend, its been a pleasure getting toknow you.If not for blogging I would have never met you!

  9. And, a very happy New Year to you. I'm at that point now where I can't even remember Christmas. The older you get, the faster time flies.

  10. happy new year! i just want to know who stole my winter?

  11. indeedy... just got used to writing 2011 on my checks/cheques [whatfuckingever!], now gotta retain myself, yet again!

    wv: flubd

  12. Happy New Year! May your life always be filled with blessings!

  13. Oh my heck, this is funny. This is the best wish for the new year.....
    and so I will say....same to ya. Oma Linda

  14. Time flies, so does a bird,
    Shit stinks, so does a turd...

    A word of wisdom courtesy of my mother-in-law, lol!!
    Many blessings in the coming New Year!

  15. Happy New Year to you Debra..I'm just glad I'm going to be around for another year. God willlin' (O:



  16. Happy New year to you, Debra! I've thought so much about time during this past year. And came to no conclusions by the way. Your advice is the only way to go - live life and enjoy!

  17. Ha ha, yes I am!
    Finally, someone who knows how Father Time actually speaks. What a breath of fresh air:)

    Happy New Year my Friend!

  18. Happy New Year too you too Debs!!!! A fun and entertaining post as always!!! I wish you and your a very Happy New Year filled with much love and happiness and of cousre more ladyriths!!!!!!

  19. Awesome question... where the fuck did 2011 go? I mean, besides straight down the crapper....

    Anyhoo, Happy 2012!!

  20. Happy New year..wishing you a super fabulous 2012..much magic ahead kindred

  21. yup..we pissed away another year..please Goddess make this year better than the last.
    and hope you have a wonderful new year.

  22. Oh Debra!! that Christmas story from those New Zealand children was so beautiful...we laughed we always find the best vids...
    Thank you are always there, often the first
    to send me a get off the bloody computer and enjoy your New years eve.

    all the very best in 2012

  23. Yes, indeed I am a year older too. Better than the alternative. Here's to a happy 2012 for both of us.

  24. Thanks for the reminder, Debra! Now, 'back at cha'!

  25. Happy New Year to you, Your Rare One, and of course, HRH!! Yes, we are all a year older and feeling FINE, thank you!! Have a great Eve and see you in 2012!!!!

  26. Are you in my head? I have been contemplating the same thought. I'm starting to feel the dementia - "it was January yesterday!!"

    Happy New Year!


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