Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mardi Gras Madness!

Hooray, today is Fat Tuesday -- Mardi Gras! But I don't want to celebrate it in the boring old Canadian way of eating a few pancakes. No, I want to celebrate it in the traditional Louisiana way. Gimme beads -- lots of beads!

And I'll do whatever I have to do to get them, too!

And cake! Gimme a big ol' King Cake with icing in the traditional Mardi Gras colours of gold, green and purple! Now, I've never actually seen a King Cake, much less eaten one. We don't have them here in the Great White North. In fact, I only learned of the existence of King Cakes a couple of years ago, thanks to the blogosphere. But I love the idea of them!

And I want my piece to have the Baby Jesus in it! Yes, I do.

It means I have to bring the next King Cake to the next party but I will gladly do so! I make no promises about my baking or decorating skills, though.

Laissez les bons temps rouler, tout le monde!


  1. Shout out for representing me (2nd from the left) in the cartoon! Enjoy your Jesus cake!

  2. I've never had that cake but it does look mmmm mmmm good! Love that colour combo: gold, green and purple.

  3. I see grandma is following the spirit all the way through--she's letting EVERYTHING hang out. Hooray, grandma! I don't like "half-assers" or "half-boobers" lol

  4. that cake looks positively sinful! And I love the blasphemous pic to (since I despise Church), and hate it at the same time (it could be any baby, and it's not appropriate)

  5. I've been down to Mardi Gras. Lived in New Orleans for awhile. The food there is fabulous.

  6. You should see Mardi Gras at least once. Even if you're not a big partier or drinker, it is still quite a site to see. Each krewe in New Orleans has a unique costume/theme, and the bigger ones throw out some really cool, unique trinkets. Way more fun than the green/gold/purple beads!

    The king cake is good, but by the actual day of Mardi Gras, most everyone here in the South is probably sick of them. They usually start selling them in the bakeries and grocery stores about a month before today, maybe more. In our office, if you get the piece with the plastic baby, you have to buy the next king cake!

    PS. If you want one up in Canada, you can make one! There is no "standard" cake, most of them are like a morning sweet roll, coffee cake type thing with a lot of icing and of course the green, gold and purple crystallized sugar on top.

    Laissez les bons temps rouler

  7. Laissez les bons temps rouler, tout le monde! YeeHaw!

  8. It feels sort of weird and sacrilegious to me to eat a baby jesus and wait for him to exit your body through the most unpleasant subway system.

  9. mmmm...that cake looks yummy! don't think I could do the baby jesus thingie...

  10. Eeek, I had totally forgotten that it's plain old Pancake Tuesday in my neck of the woods! The Mardi Gras cake looks exciting compared to pancakes!

  11. Absolutement, laissez les bons temps rouler.

    I wish I could see it just once. Gimme the cake, not the pancakes!

  12. We went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans once. The food in 'Nawlins is divine. The kings cake is like a luscious cinnamon roll with extra scrumptious lemon flavored icing, the "insert" was a coin, thank the gods. But I must say in my opinion, the festivities were like a bad trucker strip club on acid. Way over the top insane for this old broad. I liked our Mardi Gras in Gulf Port much better.....more partee and less gross drunk assholes. Just saying. Happy Fat Tuesday ya'll. Oma Linda

  13. Grandma obviously knows how to party!! That King Cake looks amazing, but now I'm craving pancakes.

  14. And this is exactly why I come to this blog - to learn new things. Never in a million years have I hear of king cake, but now i make it a mission to get some of that fine cake. Catholic Xtians eat God every Sunday so the idea of eating the baby Jesus isn't shocking, but choking on the plastic might be a tad unpleasant.

  15. ~beads and boobs and cakes...what else does one need!!! have me thinking my littles would get a kick out of a king cake!!! happy fat tuesday my friend...much love light and blessings~

  16. I have not heard of that cake but it is soooo pretty

  17. I would love to try that cake!

  18. I will skip the cake and hand out some beads...to those so willing to earn them!

  19. i always make kings cakes but somehow i did not get to it this year. laissez les bon temps rouler to you too!

  20. Oh, you've got the right idea! I don't give anything up for lent, so technically I don't deserve the spoils of Fat Tuesday, but I do love a good excuse for a celebration. I might go look for a king cake recipe now...

  21. I love me some King Cake!!! :0)
    I do believe that you and your Rare One should travel to Louisiana next year to experience Mardi Gras.
    While "Nawlins" can be fun, Mardi Gras is best experienced in the Cajun Parishes to the west of New Orleans. A favorite chant for parade goers - "Throw Me Sumtin Mister!" And take an extra empty suitcase just for the beads you'll get!

  22. Have a great Mardi Gras. MMMM, fatty, decadent food day...

  23. I never knew about a "King Cake" look what a font of knowledge you are dear girl!


  24. That cake looks good enough to eat! Makes 'our' pancakes look anemic!

  25. I totally forgot it was pancake day... I didn't stand a chance with Mardi Gras!

  26. I've been earning beads for four solid months now. It's about time Mardi Gras caught up with me!

  27. King Cakes are awesome. Wouln't it be fantastic to organize a blog meet up in New Orleans for Mardi Gras.

  28. Oh my gosh! LOL I had never heard of a King Cake before. They put a baby Jesus in it?! Wild and weird.

    Happy Mardi Gras! I didn't have pancakes or anything... but it goes on for a few days, right? I still have a chance. ;-)

  29. we're having our mardi gras this coming Thursday..will be posting about it and pictures..no king cake but one of the ladies is making a huge cake for us..I'm making jambalaya and french bread..

  30. I have never been either but who doesn't like a party and wow the colors, that photo of the line up is crazy funny, I think I'm in there but I won't say which one,

  31. I've had King cake, and as purty as it is, it's just regular cake. Give me red velvet any day.

  32. Love those purples and greens and yellows!! Beads, boobs, baby cakes and booze. Wheee!! None here though, I celebrated Mardi Gras by having my taxes done. {sigh}

  33. let the good times roll, indeedy!

    hope it was grand...

    i have a good bud down in la, phd in psych, should go see him and his wife some year...

    p'raps in time for the next mardi [pâté de foie] gras?

    also have a bud in brasil, and hear their 'carnaval' is on a more grand scale than the gras in n'awlins...

  34. Love that second picture! Very erotic!

  35. The chance of choking on Jesus seems much less than the quarter wrapped in wax paper. Safety first.


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