Monday 6 February 2012

My Mexican Tattoo, Part 1

In 2004, My Rare One and I went to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico and stayed with friends at a nice all-inclusive resort. Near the pool area, a number of craftspeople offered various goods and services for sale. One young guy was doing henna tattoos. I thought, "Hey, why not, it's only temporary!" And it would be fun later to freak out My Rare One and our friends with it, hee hee!

So I picked a stylized howling wolf design and he painted it on my arm, using a template and a long-nosed bottle of black ink. After about half an hour, the top layer of paint dried, came off and there was my lovely wolf underneath on my skin! Here's an actual photo of me with my henna tattoo --

And yes, everyone was suitably freaked out because they did think this silly tattoo was real at first. We had lots of laughs because of it so it was $20 well spent. By the time we went home, the tattoo was fading nicely and I figured it would be gone within a week or so.

Tomorrow: disaster strikes!!!!

[Photo by My Rare One]


  1. The tension mounts! What happened? What could be the disaster? My nails are in biting mode!

  2. The suspense is killing me! What could go wrong with a temporary tat?

  3. you left me hangin' here! what could it be? a mandated sleeveless work meeting? HRH freaks out at the sight of howling wolves?

  4. A slooooooow acting poison, eh? I know, because I died from just such a tattoo. The Mayans were good at that sort of thing.

  5. the hotel should give a discount for putting those hideous sheets on the bed LOL :)))Love the mission of freaking out the loved ones :)

  6. Ohhhhhh, I don't like the tune in tomorrow ones, I have NO patience!!!! I'm going to be thinking about this all day.It didn'y come off right, its still there, you were allergic to it and ended up at the hospital, you found out it means something wierd, I'm running out of ideas.
    I will be back here bright and early to find out the answer to this one,

  7. Great tattoo....but am on the edge of my seat waiting for Part 2...

  8. Couldn't help but notice how festive your room was - a cornucopia of colour - and you blend right in!! I wait with bated breath...

  9. excellent post.....waiting for pt 2. also,, i`m loving that photo.

  10. You certainly know how to leave someone on pins and needles.

  11. Why have I never done anything like this? I love freaking people out. In suspense for part 2...

  12. Uh oh...that doesn't sound good!

  13. Cool tat but, but what happens next...

  14. Wow! That's huge! Oh the arm. haha

  15. You are too funny. That picture is a riot! Anyway I can't wait to read what happens. Hahahaha!

  16. That photo is both awesome and hysterical! I love that you did that. I am not one for permanent ink (I get bored way too easily) but I did get a henna tattoo on my hand once and totally fell in love with it.

    Your wolf rocks! Love that you freaked everyone out, hehe.

  17. Uh oh! Disaster?!

    I love the art you chose,very cool

  18. A color-coordinated shirt, hotel bed and donut float!! Amazing. And the henna tat is totally cool. Waiting for part 2 impatiently!

  19. be a dare-devil and get a real one :) xo

  20. I think you should take this pic to a parlor and get a real one. Also, love the placement of the pool toy so as to avoid your face. I am always putting things in front of my face in pictures, usually my middle finger....but I digress.

  21. Mayan Riviera! I was there in 2002 with hubby; we had an amazing time. It is such a lovely place.

    That is a really cool tattoo for something that's supposed to be temporary. Can't wait to see what happens next...

  22. I have tried those too. It's a great way to try one if your not sure you will like the location or design. I like the one you had.

  23. you look great in stripes!...nice camo! tattoo too.....

  24. I had two bottles of henna red and purple and when the granddaughters were little I would make designs on them and send them home just to hear the parents scream and have a fit..get even with the 2 sons for all the crap they pulled on me ..for real.
    I like your lobo.

  25. Henna is awesome! :)

    ...but what kind of disaster? Please don't tell me you used henna with added coloring in it, that sometimes messes with the skin?

  26. i just love a good cliff hanger to start my day :)

  27. All I's got to say is 'what's the good of a temporary tattoo!' That's all!

  28. Wow! I've been wanting to see a picture of you! And the tatoo -- it goes really well with the striped floatation device.


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