Friday 2 March 2012

Movie Meme

The last movie I watched was Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

So if that movie is now my life story, how fucked am I? Pretty much! I must live in a world of deception and betrayal, silence and lies, violent collateral damage and ugly Cold War architecture.

But on the bright side, Colin Firth is there! And you know how I loves me some Colin Firth.

So how about you -- care to answer the meme? Spill yer guts in the comments! (not literally, of course).


  1. I think you may have faired better than I, the last movie I watched was a cheapo Volcano in New York, it was on last night and my husband was watching it, terrible stupid movie, I don't mind watching an action / disaster fictional movie but this was the worst of the worst.He wasn't really paying much attention to it, he said it was just back ground noise, I would have rather listened chalk squeaking on a black board! So what this says about my life, I have no idea! (but I don't think its good) , lol.

  2. The Life of Brian. I think this needs no elaboration.

  3. Oh dear. I went and saw Wanderlust last week. Aging hippies, pseudo vegetarians, free-ish love, drugs, idiots, the most irritating leading lady in the world and one naked man. Sort of sounds like my life now that you mention it.

  4. Rendition. So, yes, apparently I am going to be abducted by CIA goons on trumped up charges and transported to some nameless North African nation to be tortured until I confess to being an Al Qaeda executioner.

    I suppose I am pretty fucked at that.

  5. I forget what my last movie was. It's been so long. I've become a television drama sort of person.

  6. I just saw The Way with Martin Sheen last night. Now, of course, I want to do the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage... Well atleast I didn't answer this by saying The Muppet Movie heehee

  7. (firstly, love the Colin Firth photo) Well, I watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks on Sunday afternoon. First time ever seeing it.So apparently all my spells go wrong, I must find me some Cockney-accented street brats to shepherd, and I will be protecting my home from rampaging Nazis, all while wearing sensible shoes.

  8. the last film is saw was the rum diary. i`ve got some thinking to do now,, thanks for that ;)

  9. The Bodygaurd. So I'm a pop diva superstar, cool! Oh wait... I'm being stalked by some f-ugly obsessive fan and some hired gun. And I'm "in love" with my bodygaurd.

    OK... I LOVED this movie when it came out... I was 16 that year. Now watching it as a 36 year old it was kind of retro fun to see how cheesy the movie was, but also what a difference 20 years of maturity makes! At 16 I thought (the way the movie ended with a nice little good-bye kiss) that they got together and lived happily ever after. As a 36 year old I realize that they were just F-buddies who did really care for each other but moved on with their lives and careers.

  10. Ok am a happy woman..I would be stuck in Robin Hood with Russell Crowe, Kevin Durand and Scott Grimes..twist my arm! The horses are stunning..I am pretty good with a am a happy girl!
    How are ya hon..finally had a minute to pop by and say howdy. Cognitive Psych is kicking my butt LOL!
    Huge hugs, Sarah

  11. Phew! Last movie I saw was either Calendar Girls or Julie & Julia (saw both the same day but can't recall the order), so I can live with that. However, since I do love blow 'em up films, it's pure luck I last saw creative, gentle movies rather than, say, Tinker, Tailor etc.

  12. Haha that's cute. I love this one!

    I cannot remember the last movie I watched...let me think..I don't think I've watched any on documentaries count?
    If so then I am a dork, because I watched a doc on the uke!

  13. I watched 10 minutes of Eraser (Arnie Schwarzenegger. It was about all I could take! There was a wide-eyed Vanessa Williams too, filling the "woman needing protection" role. I think I could do the whole movie for real, but only if I have a big gun that never runs out of bullets as well!

  14. I watched Rain Man last, so I'm back in the 80's, which is good because I'm young again, wheee! But I'm surrounded by bad hair, clothing and music - oh how I hated 80's music. This was a lot of fun and I enjoyed reading everyone's answers.

  15. Last movie I watched (and I don't watch many!) was The Education of Little Tree - the story of a young Cherokee boy growing up in the Depression. The boy, Little Tree loses both his parents & goes to live with his Grandparents in the back woods, where Little Tree helps his Grandfather make moonshine. The most memorable scene in the movie is when Little Tree trades his hard earned fifty cents to a "Christian" man for a dying calf. Little Tree tells his Grandfather of the lelsson - "I reckin I learned not to trade with Christians"!

  16. I saw "Hugo" which is an interesting metaphor for my life. Quirky, chaotic, magickal and at times destitute. I think you're a spy in disguise Debra ;)

  17. The last movie I watched was The Bounty Hunter, which I really didn't like. We had taped it to watch something with popcorn and once we got into it, we figured we may as well finish it. I shudder to think what that says about me (not so much about hubbby, he's sick of the lovey dovey films, he said, and is now in desperate need of an action film).

  18. Phantom Menace.
    I'm starting therapy soon.

  19. A Single Man...need I go any further!

  20. the man who would be king! so, i am really good for a while and then totally fucked!

  21. Bwahahaha! I saw Wanderlust. I'd be so fucked. And by Justin Theroux, apparently.

  22. I just watched "In Time" on an aeroplane. So a) I still look 25 years old (which is a good bit) b) I have a flashing time clock in my arm to tell me how much longer I have to live (I'm not liking this bit so much now) and c) I'm trading all kinds of favours to earn more time.

    Er .... I'm fucked!

  23. I watch movies on tv..the last movie I saw in the theater was Interview with a Vampire..but the last movie I watched was Paul..and I laughed my ass off..I know it's not supposed to be any one liked it..but I loved it..but then I loved Ishtar too.

  24. The last movie I saw at the cinema was The Descendants, a tragedy comedy about family, adultery, and death.... but it starred George Clooeny, so does that mean I am George Clooney? WAHOO!!!

  25. Hmm, the last movie I saw wasLive Nude Girls Unite, about the unionization drive by the dancers at SF's Lusty Lady. I'm not sure what to make of that. Good movie, though. I recommend it. They have it on Netflix streaming.

  26. I watched ' The hole', a horror flick...not impressed ;(

  27. ~well if i have to play fair...we have littles at hand so a bit of childhood comes into the scene...

    "rango" so that leaves me a chameleon who stumbles into the wild wild west where no law water to be found...i create a lie and say i have taken down the outlaws that exist...guns and all...i meet a little lady... and become the new sheriff in town...but alas my truth comes out and i am put to shame...but fear not i have a moment of glory in the end and in a twist fo fate i save the day!!!

    enjoy your weekend ahead...i'll try to see if maybe i can step up our movie play!!! much love light and blessings~

  28. Hmm. I just watched Zoolander.

  29. Well the last two movies I saw were The Women and Auntie Mame. Last weekend. Either way I think I can handle this, some days my life is like Mame's, and as far as the women? Im an ex drag queen, I can handle my own!

  30. This ain't good. Just finished, Dream House, guys family gets killed, he gets blamed, he goes crazy, spends time in sanitarium, would go on, but its fairly new and don't want to spoil it for anyone. I'll just say I'm totallly effed off, but fit. And, played by Daniel Craig.

  31. I can't remember the title of it! -- it was a sweet, pretty recent French film about two very shy people who fall in love. One of the big things they have in common is chocolate. That actually kind of sums up my life in the last few months. . . .

  32. Guess you know my answer! I could just pinch Colin Firth's cheeks!!! Leave it alone.....

  33. I'm with you on sweet Colin...but the last movie I watched was "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" - in Swedish!
    The Celtic tats I sport don't quite compare, and I can't speak a word of Swedish. I'd say I'm truly f***ed!

    (Moby Dick is a bit of a slog indeed!)

  34. I watched a show ONCE UPON A TIME not a film, but I doubt my life is any close to fairy tale ;)

  35. The quote cracked me up! Sometimes I want to live through my favorite movies, but of course that is impossible (for me of course).

  36. I'm ashamed (and terrified) to say that the last movie I watched was RoboCop. So I'm fucked and then some. Stock in the 80s surrounded by over the top special effects!

    And no, Peter Weller shooting a gun the size of my leg doesn't make me feel any brighter ;-(

  37. The last movie I watched was "The Game" starring Michael Douglas...if that movie is my life...I'm totally fucked!...but rich!

  38. kill bill, I & II... nuff said

  39. well i watched Practical Magic on Netflix yesterday, so I guess that aint too bed LOL

  40. I was going to say I can't remember the last actual movie I saw, but then I remembered I got my sister The Golden Compass and Up for Christmas, so maybe those count. Don't know which one was the second, probably Up. So, Ed Asner, talking dogs? If it was in the theater, I genuinely don't remember. It's been years.

    If TV counts, well, the last thing I saw was some Doctor Who just last night, The Wedding of River Song. Which, hells yeah, totally is my life right now. Non-linear, everything at once, odd marriages, invisible friends, and someone named Rory* kicking about. Woooooooo!

    Rory being a kitten in my case.

  41. The Town
    So I live in a bank robbing neighborhood where almost everyone dies.
    But Jeremy Renner's there so I'm ok :)

  42. Last movie was the Matrix Reloaded. Well, not too bad!


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