Tuesday 22 May 2012

A Japanese Treat: Tofu Donuts

Our tour guide recommended that we try some tofu donuts from this little shop. They were so delicious! You would never know they were made of tofu.

The funniest thing is that the cooking process is exactly the same as for those little mini-donuts that are sold at fairs and carnivals here in Canada. The donut machine automatically dispenses little rings of tofu batter into the hot fat. The rings ride along in the fat stream, get turned over, ride the fat stream a little longer and ultimately get tossed into the bin all golden and puffy. (Hmmm, that description doesn't sound all that appetizing, does it?)

Not only are these donuts made of protein instead of carbohydrates, they are not drowned in sugar as the final step. You eat them plain and they are yummy indeed.


  1. Who would have thought it ... a tofu donut!!! Wonders never cease! :D :D

  2. I love tofu - as long as it doesn't taste like tofu. I would happily eat these!

  3. Ooh, a donut I could probably eat. I am gluten intolerant, and I can't eat regular donuts.

  4. so, no carbs, no sugar? no way.

  5. mmmm...thinkin I'd rather have a dunkin donut!!

  6. That sounds really interesting, I've never heard of this before.

  7. how cool! i never heard of these before.

  8. Wouldn't you know it, this very morning i read some not so good news about tofu. But then I could spend my time reading thousands of reports about the dangers of Tim Horton's doughnuts, so who cares, eh? A girl has to eat, and if the girl is in Japan, she needs to try the doughnuts! Glad they are yummy!

  9. They sound really interesting! Tofu donuts? Now I wanna go to Japan!... just to try the donuts!

  10. Wow, I wonder if I could find a recipe. It's sounds wonderful.

  11. Actually they sound very appetizing - I'd love to try them!

  12. tofu donuts..tofu donuts..nope ..no matter how many times I say it, it doesn't have the tasty ring to it that Kolaches has.ahah

  13. I don't know...I guess I would try it... =)

  14. There's no way that can be healthy. I would be so pissed I didn't get a real donnut, I would have a stroke.

  15. Now you got me cravin' fried soy!

  16. I like that they are protein powered, but I think I will need to try one before I would believe they could be called donuts.

  17. bean curd donuts? don't think so...

  18. I am not sure on this but anything deep fried can be delicious.

  19. hmmm I have never had one of those, but I am game ;-)

  20. I can handle that...very easily!!

  21. Must try some of those - even though they still sound pretty fattening.

  22. Sounds interesting. Is the texture the same?

  23. Suzy, the texture is similar. If you didn't know they were tofu donuts, you probably couldn't tell they were different.

  24. If they're sweet, then they're tasty! I would try one just out of curiosity.

  25. There's something really wrong about the phrase "tofu donut".


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