Thursday 28 June 2012

Christian Funnies Blowout!

Well, here we are -- nearly at the end of June and the conclusion of this year's Translesbigayapalooza! And like an overstocked shoe store, I have too many Christian funnies left over. So here's my one-day-only inventory blowout at fire sale prices! Whatta deal!


  1. hahaha..well, it was a fun month!

  2. And the truth shall set ye free.

  3. I have really enjoyed your palooza Deb and there is SO much material out there (so I'm not sure if that is good or bad!) but keep it comin' !

  4. I'm with DEZMOND :) This month seems to have just flown by - it was fun!

  5. LOL! :0) I have often wondered about those cherubs......

  6. Awesome. (The cherub thing explains so much.)

  7. Ha, these are great. I especially love the Colbert quote!

  8. All very amusing! The only sad thing is that one day when everyone accepts gays and all that hate is a thing of the past, there wont be any of these funny pictures made anymore! But I guess that will be a good trade off!

  9. Funny... almost laughed coffee through my nose. Seriously, I worry for the nuns - they've given their lives for their faith,if they don't dot every i and cross every t - will they be thrown out on the street?

  10. well you went out with a bang (popes gun!!)

  11. Loved the first one in particular, Debra. A great month of posts by the way!

  12. all good... BUT... witnesses are NOT christian... ask any of em when they show up at yer door, saturday....

  13. This has been a fun month...enjoyed each and every one of your posts. Thanks for a touch of humor in the mornings. A smile is such a good way to start the day.

  14. I love the one about getting on your knees and taking a swig of wine. LOL!!!!

  15. S. Colbert's commentaries are always classic!

  16. And what a translesbigayapalooza it's been! So much fun. I love the 'Y U No move away?' line...ha ha ha! Yes, why they no move away? To another planet...

  17. Aww, it's over already? I'm going to miss it!!!

  18. These are great! Totally forwarding to friends.

  19. Hilarious! Love the first one!

  20. LOL snorting with laughter here, I especially love the second one :) Baahahhaaaaa!!

  21. That did go fast, Debra! I hope you'll sneak some more stuff in throughout the upcoming months....

  22. I read most of your June posts in a couple of sittings over the last day or two. Really, just too much goodness packed into too short a time. I've thoroughly enjoyed them all.

  23. In Jeezus's defense, he doesn't ever mention the gay in any of the gospels. The homophobes have to go all the way back to Leviticus to justify their hate.


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