Sunday 10 June 2012

The Lake of Fire

During Alberta's recent provincial election, much controversy swirled around an unsuccessful right-wing Wildrose candidate and Christian pastor who wrote a blog post saying that all gays will burn in a "lake of fire" for eternity. He also called the Edmonton Public School Board "profane" and "wicked" for its anti-bullying policy to protect sexual minority students and staff.

So, needless to say, here's the hottest T-shirt at Edmonton's Pride Festival this year:


  1. I have a good idea who will really be burning in a lake of fire............

  2. Dang, Debra, I was having a nice morning till I read this. We have our Rev. Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church) here in Kansas. He pickets funerals with the same hate messages. Shame on these sick men. And, pity those the weak minded sheep that follow their hate filled messages. I'm off to meditate, I need it...ommmmmm

  3. oh my gosh thats a good one!

  4. There is no place for hate in today's world. Grrr!!! This gets my dander going.

  5. Heh, heh, heh! I want a lousy t-shirt too! :)

  6. a christian pastor said that!!!!...what an unevolved creep....Hell and damnation man...look out!!!!

  7. How wonderful! It's good to know all the crazies aren't in the U.S.

  8. Hahahaha - so perfect!! Personally I think his statements border on hate speech.

  9. more christians at work with their bigoted, hateful ways...would Jesus feel the same way about gay people?
    I mean wasn’t that mary magdalene story all about excepting all people regardless. too bad the bible didn’t have a story about Jesus having one of the disciples being gay...

  10. Ha! Awesome. (The Wildrose is frightening.)

  11. a typical example that pure evil lurks in the church.....

  12. I don't understand why people feel the need to say such hateful things about other people. It makes no sense to me.

  13. nothing will change as long as people have hate in their heart instead of love..

  14. Wow, I thought America had a monopoly on crazy asshole ministers.

  15. I was born in Cleveland, where the river burned, so I get extra special excited when a lake burns. I'd get a t-shirt for that one, too.

  16. I can't wait to see those people meet their maker - the kind who completely ignore what Jesus said about not judging others, and spew hate because people love each other.

  17. Okay, so I had something fiery and profound to say, but now I can't stop staring at Riot Kitty...

    Every time I read of people who claim a love a merciful god say that the ones who don't think like them will burn, I smile not so friendly and remember that what goes around comes around.

  18. Love the t-shirt. Want to toss the pastor in a lake. I imagine that is a common feeling. I really love that someone turned this around though - clever!

  19. That is SO clever!!!!! Take his beyond-stupid comment and turn it into something truly cool! And rub his nose in it to boot!

  20. they probably took the gay portions out of the bible.

  21. I think I may vacation there soon! Looks like a great place! lol

  22. And here I thought Religious figures were all about preaching love and tolerance....silly me!

  23. I am quite saddened that people like this exist - what an ass.

  24. Hot Hot Hot...I'm singing the song now!

  25. Mark Twain said to visit Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. I'm looking foward to the trip, and mingling with all of you fine people.

    Bigoted idiot preachers will be damned to eternity with their own kind. I can't think of a more cruel and hopeless a fate.

  26. Love this shirt!
    Did you get one?


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