Friday 22 June 2012

Rural Prairie Pride

I've often mentioned on this blog that I grew up in a little one-horse prairie town in Manitoba. When I was a kid, our "bright lights, big city" was the small nearby city of Brandon. It was (and still is) a very conservative place focused on traditional rural values like farming and family. Not known to be particularly gay friendly. So imagine my surprise when I recently read in the Winnipeg Free Press online edition that . . .  could it be? . . . GLBTQ Pride has come to Brandon!

The Brandon Summer Fair is held every June and a parade has long been part of its festivities. Starting in 2011, a few out members of Brandon's Pride Committee now march as participants in the summer fair parade. As one Pride marcher stated, "It's largely farm equipment and horses and us." But the Pride marchers have been well received so far, getting "a few discreet thumbs-up from parade-watchers and even big hoots of support from a group of seniors."

I never thought I'd see the day. Way to go, Brandon!


  1. hehe....maybe they think that anyone living there is better than no one at all! people tend to become very liberal if it means money in their pockets.

  2. Changing times. It's wonderful.

  3. The times they are a-changin'...even in places like Brandon :)

  4. 'The times they are a changin' eh, Debra? Not without a lot of pain and struggle though. However I salute Brandon, Manitoba this morning, too!

  5. my country is so far away from such a thing. Gay people would end up being beaten or something like that if they are to show up in some village or small town :(

  6. You CAN teach old dogs new tricks!

  7. Great news! Sometimes Progress is a good thing!

  8. Yeah...but I can remember when country wasn't cool!!! hahaha...good for Brandon!

  9. That is a happy story! Change can come anywhere, anytime.

  10. Any sign of progressive thinking is a good thing.

  11. way to go Brandon!!!!

  12. How nice that even the seniors have given big hoots! To me that indicates the beginning of a shift in attitude at the very core of the community.

  13. It's great to see change happening in the least likely place. Esp. one that you're so familiar with and were positive that there was never going to be any progression. The good fight keeps going on.

  14. Now THAT's a colorful horse! My appaloosa lost her spots...maybe she was trying to blend in. Wishing you a lovely weekend. ♥♥♥ Deb

  15. Canadians are so far ahead of us. Yay Brandon.

  16. I used to go to the Brandon Fair every year - maybe I saw you there. :>)

  17. Yes...time for a hootenanny...what a hooting time...Pride is rearing it's gorgeous head everywhere!

  18. Hey, it's a good start in the right direction! Amazing how things are changing, eh Debra?!

  19. farmers have always known MOST critters on this planet engage in same sex sex...

    well done, brandon!

  20. I bet reading this made your heart smile so very big!!! Finally, progress!! Hooray!!

  21. How very cool. Sounds like my ex's town he lived in. And how cool is the horse pride symbol?

  22. I loved Brandon. It was the closest city to the Base at Shilo and we would ride into the town and go to the downtown record stores. When I was in Cadets we would have free run of the University and it's film department. I was certified a projectionist at 13.

  23. Yay for small town Canada getting with the program!


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