Tuesday 5 June 2012

Yay for Progressive Christians!

It has been very encouraging over the years to see various Christian denominations undertake the difficult and often divisive work of affirming and embracing a new understanding of GLBTQ people. Here in Canada, the United Church and the Anglicans have led the way in this regard. Now, I have not been a believing or practising Christian for 35 years so personally I don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak, but I do understand what a profound journey it has been for these Christian churches to revise their views on human sexuality.

So if some of my funnies this month satirize narrow-minded and bigoted Christians, I am well aware that many other Christians exist who are allies of our community and who actively work for love, justice and inclusion. I salute them!


  1. As a Methodist here in the States, I see both extremes within our church---good open minded people who understand that we have NOTHING BIBLICAL to exclude people due to sexuality---and then there are the others..... :-\
    And I can't get going on them because I will rant and scream most disgracefully.
    I don't understand them; never have, never will.
    We are all human, therefore, we are all deserving of grace. ALL.


  2. It is much tougher than it looks. Making changes, too many, too quickly, could make everything fall apart. Lately I've started to wonder about all religions and the fable of "The Emperor's New Clothes" keeps popping into my head. I figure the world is on the verge of a big discovery and I wonder what it will be like when we realize no one is better than us - no one is a lesser human than we are - and no one has all the answers. I better stop now or I'll start singing John Lennon's "Imagine."

  3. Good one, Debra, This is why I chose be an Interfaith minister.

  4. I'll give that an amen, ha ha,

  5. I saw a news article yesterday about Mormons who showed their support & joined in a G/L Parade in Utah. Hooray for them!

  6. Can't wait for some good fun and puns or slam dunks!!

  7. Unfortunate though, that the naysayers have louder voices.

  8. A true Christian.....loves all.

    Blessed Be

  9. I was indoctrinated (brainwashed) from a tender age in a fundamentalist Baptist church - when I think of the hate ("we hate the sin, not the sinner!") and intolerance that was spewed from "The Good Book" - I cringe. It's changed quite a bit in the last ten years, (from what I hear) but that doesn't excuse the past - people in 'authority' were poisoning young, fresh minds. Yes, I'm kind of bitter, lol!

  10. I have to agree. Hell, Jesus sat down to break bread with everyone - even women. I know where he would be in this fight.

  11. As long as we are moving forward, albeit slowly, we are headed in the right direction. Change takes time, unfortunately, but I'd like to think that eventually we will get to where we should be. And when we finally do, everyone around the world will practice the term "love thy neighbour" the way it's supposed to be practiced. I probably won't see this in my lifetime but if we raise our kids to love and respect, they'll pave the way further, and raise their own children to do the same.

  12. Amen!

    Sometimes it makes a lot of sense to be an Episco - Pagan - Buddhist!!!!!! :D :D :D

  13. We at "The Gods Are Bored" salute this thoughtful post!

  14. Yes! So glad to live in Ontario, where people who love can marry. Well said, Debra!

  15. progress in one direction... regression in others - celebrate the progress! :)

  16. Here, here! My sentiments exactly!

  17. I ain't offended She Who Seeks. I have trouble with the whole organized religion thing anyway. I think reading your blog is very interesting... sexy at times.

  18. I must say I am proud that Canada was one of the first countries allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.

  19. They do exist, and I am so pleased!! In fact, I am married to one, and he doesn't mind my freethinking ways. :-)
    Tolerance is awesome.

  20. Cheers to them and you for having the courage to bring this all out on the open and educating people with the facts.


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