Saturday 18 August 2012

National Bad Poetry Day

EVERYONE needs to celebrate National Bad Poetry Day today.

"Forsooth, why?" asketh thou, in your best Shakespearean manner.

Because for every good poem in the world, there's a million bad ones. Even among great poets, their lifetime's work will consist of a few good poems and a lotta crap. If they're lucky, they'll hit the jackpot and write maybe one or two poems of true genius which will live forever, never becoming archaic or outdated.

And then, of course, there's the rest of us poor Joe Average schlubs who put poetic pen to paper and write nothing BUT bad poetry.

So in honour of National Bad Poetry Day, here is my contribution to the Canon of Crap. I have posted this before but it is sufficiently redolent to justify a repeat posting. Pardon me while I clear my throat prior to declaiming my deathless masterpiece (*ahem*) --

bad poet's dilemma

can i use this word
without irony


hmm, no

© Debra She Who Seeks 2008


  1. you always make my day!

  2. i try... and fail... why bother?

    cuz it's there....

  3. You could win a medal in this!

  4. And a happy weekend to you, too! Mine is starting off with a laugh! Thanks!

  5. There was a Canadian girl
    She drank wine and started to hurl
    She likes boobs and butts
    She ain't keen on nuts
    I still think she's slick as a pearl.

  6. Swimmers are lean.
    Runners are fit.
    I look in the mirror,
    I look like ....

  7. " Roses are Red and shit. "

    that`s poetry right there.

  8. Awwww, your poems not that bad ; )

  9. First time I got dumped (at the tender age of 14) I wrote over 500 poems and sonnets written in a span of 3 or 4 months... Let me tell you something: that is enough material to celebrate another 100 years of bad poets day!

  10. The you will love this.

    His name was McGonagall and it is said he is the worst poet in the English language.

    This is a snippet...

    The Tay Bridge Disaster

    Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silv’ry Tay!
    Alas! I am very sorry to say
    That ninety lives have been taken away
    On the last Sabbath day of 1879,
    Which will be remember’d for a very long time.

  11. HA! Thanks for the giggle! **kisses** Deb

  12. Dang! I should have written my poems today!! LOL

  13. years and years and years ago I got jilted by this guitar player(my old boss was right musicians are assholes)for some other I having to have the last word send him a poem..I can't remember all of it, but the last lines were so now our romance has taken it's final lap, I hope you have a good life, and the bitch gives you the clap.

  14. LOL! Your parents must have been 'on their toes' a lot, Debra! I love your mind!

  15. You're in fine company. I read somewhere that Byron once wrote an ode to a booty and used the word bootylicious. That poem bombed all over the place and is lost in the anus of time!

  16. There once was a goil named Debra,
    Who clung so tightly to her webbed bra,
    With glove in hand,
    And smile so bland,
    Our Debra professed to be Barbara.

  17. I'd honour you with a bad poem, but I've been trying to quit. I'm down to two sonnets a day. Ah well, one day at a time, as they say.

  18. ha ha ha - thank you for the laugh! I think though that I prefer national junk food day as I don't fail at that.

  19. Never was very good at verse......

    Happy Bad Poetry Day!

  20. I started writing poetry during my teen angst years (didn't we all?). Many of them were corny, but I did write a really good one that won me an award in 9th grade during a poetry competition. I wish I had kept it.

  21. Excellent! I should dig something up from high school...

  22. Brilliant - I hope there's more where that came from!

  23. roses are red
    violets are blue -
    i'm not good at poems,
    but tits are nice, too!

  24. I can never read poetry, even good poetry, without turning into Butthead and making inappropriate jokes. I'm such a classy broad.

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Keep actin' like an ass
    and your balls will be too.

  25. Hilarious! I did my degree in English and took a lot of creative writing classes, so I've already contributed more than my fair share to the world's bounty of bad poetry!

  26. I love writing terrible poetry! What rhymes with 'badonkadonk?'

  27. What are you talking about? You write awesome poetry! AQnd are you saying Emily Dickinson wrote some crap????? I'll comfort myself by thinking maybe that's why I sometimes don't understand what she is saying. Ha ha.

  28. Ha ha! I needed a good laugh today! Thanks!

  29. I think I laughed out loud eight times reading this post, starting from the first image. You slay me!

  30. Bad Poetry Day!

    How do I love thee?
    Let me count the ways...

    ...Hang on a minute, I'll be right back.

  31. are my fix for a smile..thanks Deb..I can always count on you for the giggle-factor!


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