Thursday 23 August 2012

Why I Love the Sedin Twins: Reason #2

Because maybe they're really triplets!?!

The guy on the left competed on the Swedish badminton team at the recent London Olympics. His name is Henri Hurskainen. Many sports commentators noticed that he's a dead ringer for the Sedin Twins.

But Henri is 25 and the Sedins are 31, so they can't be triplets. But perhaps Henri is a long-lost younger brother? I guess only Mom and/or Dad Sedin knows for sure . . . .  But if nothing else, these guys' resemblance sure demonstrates the prevalence of similar traits in the Swedish gene pool, doesn't it?

Tomorrow -- Reason #3 -- the best one of all!


  1. They say we all have a double in this world. In this case, it's a triple.

  2. yep thats amazing!!!

  3. I think the third guy should try out for hockey! He might be good at it!!

  4. Wow! Pretty neat! Still digging the gingers! :)

  5. Wow, that's creepy. I love my hockey, so I'm definitely familiar with the Sedins.

  6. My goodness, even their facial expressions. Quite uncanny!

  7. That is quite remarkable. The resemblance is uncanny. Perhaps they are related. Very distant cousins?

  8. He really could be a long lost brother! Wouldn't that be a great story...holy cow!

  9. He bears a remarkable likeness. Never thought of the Swedish as being gifted with red-heads!

  10. lol@deb ;)

    henri is a finn, living in sweden, from his name: hurskainen - obviously french first name

    likely from french in russia, sharing a border with finland...

    sweden and finland share an island, located between them... where they've intermingled for centuries

    yes, many finns live in sweden and vice versa, even if they are are of different heritages: finns being finno-ugric; swedes, teutonic

    i have family in both countries; none on the island i know of

  11. perhaps he's a cousin...... or maybe they need to expand the gene pool in Sweden :>)

  12. I had a crush on this boy when I was younger. I saw him walking and giggled with my best friend at the time, then he walked by AGAIN... I looked my friend and wondered how he moved so fast. Then, he walked by a third time and it was impossible. I found out my crush was part of a set of triplets :P

  13. Hey Debra, I think it's just the beard.

  14. I have a hard time telling gingers apart in general, to be honest.

  15. Oooohhhh....Doppleganger......

  16. And I heard that 'red hair' gene is on the demise......will not survive too much longer. Not so in Sweden I guess!


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