Wednesday 31 October 2012

My First Halloween

I remember so well the first time I ever went trick-or-treating. It was 1962 and I was five years old. My parents made my older brother schlep me around with him and his friends. (Boy, I bet he was thrilled, LOL!)

My costume consisted of a small plastic pointy clown hat secured under my chin with an elastic band and two large red dots of lipstick on my cheeks for clown makeup. Oh, and my winter parka and boots, of course. It's cold in Manitoba on October 31st.

My brother taught me how to go up to each door, hold out my bag and say "trick or treat!" I couldn't believe that people would just give us candy -- how great was that! In those days, most people handed out suckers, apples, peanuts in the shell or those godawful molasses Halloween Kisses in the orange and black wrappers. But if you scored big, you might get a homemade caramel popcorn ball!

It was soooo scary to be outside after dark! Dry leaves were blowing around in circles on the sidewalks, making an eerie rustling noise. Small groups of masked children ran from house to house, sometimes in pools of light, sometimes in darkness. Disembodied voices and giggles were heard on the wind. The occasional jack-o-lantern flickered and glowed in the night. What a thrilling experience it was!

The scariest thing for me now is realizing that those memories date from 50 years ago. Where oh where have all those years gone?


  1. Lovely memories and I agree... How fast those years go... Tonight I chased down some trick or treaters as they didn't bother coming up the driveway... Lol, 'give' treats... I forced them to take my goodies! BTW Happy Halloween :)

  2. Halloween in Manitoba is something to experience! I too remember putting on winter jacket, boots, etc under my costume and trudge thru the snow. Ugh. I guess with climate change Manitoba is actually a pleasant experience on Halloween now. It gets a bit chilly, but I tell my son that he's lucky he never has experienced snow on Halloween. He looks at me like I grew a third head!

    Enjoy your day!

  3. Great memory! Thanks for sharing! Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain! Enjoy the Night!

  4. Oh, how well I remember the Halloween of my youth. Many of the same memories that you have. Those were the good old days, weren't they?

  5. Halloween costumes and winter gear...a Canadian tradition :)

    What great memories! I can just picture the look on your brother's face when he was told about having to take you around! Sometimes it sucks being the older kid :)

    Happy Halloween!

  6. I miss the trick or treating days! I try to relive them through my kids but it's just not the same!

  7. Me too! I remember the excitement of dressing up and the thrill of trying to spook everybody. Best fun ever.

  8. Gads! How I hated those Halloween Kisses! UGH! :P But weren't those popcorn balls awesome? Also those homemade cookies. I was the only child in my neighborhood so I always scored big when I went trick-or-treating. :0)
    Seems like that was ages ago...... {sigh}
    Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain! May your Holiday be filled with all sorts of devilish delights!

  9. yep, somebody should ban time to pass so quickly!

  10. those sure were the days! my mom would make taffy apples to pass out. those days are now long gone!

  11. All I can remember from those days was homemade treats... People don't do that anymore. And, we just went as a group of kids (no parents). People don't do that anymore either. dang it was fun!

  12. Oh Debra! You have brought me back to those days! It was scary but also exciting,eh? I do remember being totally thrilled if we got a candy apple!
    For a second while reading your post it felt I was reading W.O.Mitchell's 'Who Has seen The Wind'!! Must be a prairie thing!

  13. Lovely memories all tangled up with sights and sounds of the season. Very nice. Happy Hallowooonie and Samhain blessings to you, Oma Linda

  14. The most exciting thing for us was to be out after dark -and tipping over outhouses as this was a country kid staple. The popcorn balls were an added bonus.

  15. Ah yes, mine too~~and they are wonderful memories.
    Running up and down the neighborhood streets breathing hard behind a plastic mask, freezing half the time, or being soaked from rain~~it didn't matter; it was HALLOWEEN!
    My first costume, which I do not remember but found a photo, was one of those boxed costumes the 5&10 used to carry~~I was one of the Beatles! What a hoot!
    And yes, I'm still getting dressed up, even at this age.
    I love, love, LOVE HAlloween!


  16. Ah, that sounds so nice! It was never that cold in soyth Ont on hallowe'en but in the Yukon it was a tad chillier. Kids still went out though. I really enjoyed this personal story, Debra!

  17. Hi Debra.....oh Halloweens of yesteryear.....weren't they the best....and much simpler and safer time!!

    Gads....does anyone even make carmel popcorn balls anymore??? (O:


  18. We are almost the same age Deb and therefor remember a better time in this world. Thank you for the reminder of that world.

    Happy Halloween!!

  19. Happy Halloween my friend ;o) I love your memories! I always remember going out in snow on Halloween! It was so cold, but I loved it! Always had my winter coat on! And, I remember one house, that gave out homemade candied apples! So yummy! Take Care ;o)

  20. Ahhhh memories...I remember one year I was dressed as Mickey Dolenz from the Monkees, and sadly, I have pictures to prove it.

  21. I know, it seems like they go fast ... but then I think of everything that's been crammed in to them - those years have been busy!

    (I remember when we had a line of kids waiting to get our candy ... now my brother and I are talking about how to get rid of everything that's sure to be left over.)

    Happy Hallowe'en!

  22. I can close my eyes and see that pretty Debra-Clown with her red-lipsticked cheeks and a big bag of candied popcorn. How delightful. I wish you had some pictures ;-)

  23. I happen to like those molasses candies! I love your recall and yes, there's been quite a few years gone by since I first trick or treated. Happy Halloween to you and HRH!

  24. Wonderful memories :) I remember feeling exactly the same way - the familiar streets and homes were mysteriously transformed for that one night of the year.

  25. all gone to mam... uh... memories :O

  26. I remember always steaming up plastic masks when it was so humid in Houston. Don't miss that ;)

  27. I miss the "real-food" treats. I loved the popcorn balls! And peanuts in the shell. I'd have to fight my dad for them.

    Funny thing - those molasses candies have been non-existent around here for years. You couldn't find anyone who sold them. Suddenly, this year, they showed up again. My father made me buy him 2 bags - they were always his favourite.

    Hope you, your Rare One and HRH had a wonderful night! Happiest Samhain and Halloween to you!

  28. I must be the only person who liked those orange and black wrapper candies. If you have any you don't want, send em on down.

  29. Ah, that was a really sweet post! Thanks for sharing your memories with us. Made my Halloween heart smile!


  30. my first halloween I don't remember the costumes or the candy..not sure my sister who was 8 years older than me really cared about that..all we were interested in was soaping the windows of the car of the neighborhood grouch..he was always yelling and screaming at us for various my sis and I got bar of soap and soaped his car windows...I can remember running down the street afterwards laughing our asses off..and we got away with it..the list of kids that could have done it was so long we got away with it..except my father who had some magic power that made me unable to lie to him..said 'jackiesue? was that you and Gracie Anne? well hell ..we were busted..but he never told, and we got no punishment..he was cool.

  31. Just had to comment and say those Halloween kisses were the nastiest things around! I always thought it was so rebellious to let kids go out at night together. I don't remember my parents ever being with me, we just went rogue and wild on those cold nights.

    BTW, my first costume that I remember was dressing up as Casper. I wanted to be a ghost so badly but after that I promised myself no more plastic masks. I still have found memories oh and I am terrified of clowns!

  32. Oh I used to love those Halloween kisses! I wanted to keep the wrapping.


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