Friday 2 November 2012

Comrade Canadienski Cat

So I was watching The National news telecast on CBC the other night and near the end of the show there was an arts segment about the world-famous Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. And WHO do I see in this short report but MY CAT, Her Royal Highness? Go on, watch for yourself -- she's the scrappy black-and-white kitty who appears periodically throughout the item:

This must be the job that her friend Mr. Whiskervitch arranged for her in order to work off her prison parole! Gosh, HRH is looking positively chubby on the steady diet of mice, rats and regular kibble that she's eating in Russia.

I wonder if she's the only Canadian kitty at the Hermitage? Are all the other cats truly Russian strays, like it says in the news report? Or do cats actually come from many countries to work there, much like a feline United Nations? That's what I'd like to think -- cats of the world all coming together to protect and preserve artistic masterpieces!

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  1. This is brilliant! She has definitely landed on her paws with this cushy number,probably spends her nights feasting on vodka, caviar and cream.She deserves it!

  2. Holey Moley, she is a little more than chubby! In fact they all look extremely well-fed! Nice gig, Comrade HRH!

  3. HRH has outdone herself this time!

  4. While on vacation I stopped to see the cats on parliament hill. The caretaker said they no longer accept cats so eventually the clowder will disappear. It is too bad because the cats are what make parliament hill worth visiting.

  5. All of those cats are chunky munkeys like our own Cybella. And HRH is one of the most travelled and infomative cats I have ever had the priveledged to know. She is a traveling encyclopedia for us who remain close to home.

  6. You're going to have to put her on a kitty treadmill =P

  7. I'd send my cat Goolipher to represent Vojvodina in Feline UN!

  8. The connection between HRH and that whole Pussy Riot thing suddenly has become very clear to me. She just has to be a part of everything that is happening in this world doesn't she?

  9. Oh a dream job for HRH!!! I wonder if there are line-ups for any openings that arise?

  10. I love this! It looks like HRH and gang are living it up with that cushy job! In addition to rats and mice, perhaps some of them are being slipped some other goodies on the side.

  11. I can't believe they captured HRH on camera as she's so particular. Loved this :)

  12. Is yours the scrappy cat that tossed the other cat off the stairs? Don't mess with the Canadians! Love that. Love any place which honours the feline. What lucky cats.

  13. No any foreign cats on Russian soil are there as prisoners like your HRH. Putin is still in charge and he's still KGB, Vlad rules with an iron fist (I just wish he'd put his bloody shirt back on).

    May I say one more time that I want that tapestry and remind you that of all your followers I'm the one that deserves it the most. And I'm painting a figure for you. What I'm saying is this-cheat Deb, cheat.

  14. Trust HRH to find a place like that to hang out at.

    Now I want to go there...I love cats.

  15. This is great! And just look at HRH! :)

  16. I CANNOT believe she made all the way to Russia! This little kitten is a fesity, adventurous little furry thing. After her Olympics adventure, there she is inspiring the art world with her love for the fine things in life.

  17. mmmm, good question,,,,

  18. Funny, I just posted about another international cat ;)

  19. I want to go to Russia and take care of the cats!! I loved this video so much! Thanks for sharing Debra ;o)

  20. Love love love....!

    Pretty darn impressive cat... will she turn up in the new "Anna Karenina" flick next?

  21. Dang! How dou get the job to take care of the cats all day? I would move to Russia for that!

  22. Wow, she's really fallen on her feet with that job, hasn't she!

    Did you see what I did there? Fallen on her feet?

    Yeah, maybe I amuse myself a bit too much...

  23. Such a scallywag! I mean some cats would just be freeloaders, eh? But not HRH! She goes out and finds gainful employment. Scallywagness aside, i must say i am impressed at her grasp of the importance of great art. Looking forward to her continued adventures!

  24. A very interesting piece. HRH sure gets around! That museum looks amazing - the size of some of those canvasses is quite impressive.

  25. LMAO!!! Ok I really have to know if your mind works this way in person too. If so, you must be a riot to be around :)

  26. Great video! I think I see one of my cats there, too, not to mention a few of my former cats. Hope you're well, Debra!

  27. How does one even get a job like that. ._.

  28. OMG, I didn't know HRH was moonlighting! She must have snuck into Russia via Alaska! LOL!!!

  29. I read an article recently about these fantabulous felines who patrol for vermin. Quite interesting and I do believe that many other countries could take a cue from this.....

    p.s. You might want to brush HRH's teeth upon her return home. I've heard that a diet of mice can leave a bit of mouth odor.....

  30. This was an interesting video... makes sense to have all the cats around to keep the mice away too! Love that they pamper the kitties.


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