Sunday 11 November 2012

Remembrance Day

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

--from "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon


[Photo from the internet: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa]


  1. What a lovely tribute. May we never forget.

  2. from a family of veterans, thank you for the tribute!

  3. we are here to remember because they are not....

  4. I didn't know it was on the same day as our Veterans day

  5. Canada does such a wonderful job remembering fallen veterans.
    I cannot even remember the last time I could find a poppy here in the States to buy, to wear, to save.
    To those who fell.....
    May your souls fly.
    May we always remember.


  6. Nice tribute, Debra.

    BTW Adam, I may be wrong on this, but I believe it is the same day because it was originally intended to celebrate the end of WWI, which ended on November 11.

  7. Happy Remembrance Day. Veterans Day is tomorrow for us. Every day should be Remembrance Day........ Lovely post.

  8. Beautiful words, Debra. Thank you.

  9. The end of WW1 is also a national holiday in Serbia which lost one third of all citizens in that war and every second male Serb died in it.

  10. Thank you for remembering, Debra.

  11. Hats off out of respect, Canadian friends.

  12. Never forget...

  13. Beautiful tribute. So is your Remembrance Day like our Memorial Day? We celebrate our fallen military in May on Memorial Day, and we celebrate all veterans, alive and deceased, on Veterans Day on November 11. (If it helps, @Anne Huskey-Lockard, I often see groups of vets and supporters selling the poppies at the mall and in front of stores. I'm always honored to buy my poppy.)

  14. Hi Rose -- Our Remembrance Day is more like your Memorial Day but with overtones of your Veterans Day as well. Remembrance Day's main purpose is to honour the war dead but gratitude is shown to living veterans too.

  15. Thank you for a wonderful post, I love the poem. Kind of a melancholy day today.

  16. My father fought in France and Germany in WWII, his brother the one I was named after was in Hawaii when they bombed Pearl Harbor(He was hiding under the kitchen table as bombs blew up all around him and got a bullet in his 'ass'.. my other 2 uncles served, cousins, my first husband, father in law, brother in law, and I am grateful every day for what they did for our country


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