Monday 24 December 2012

A Blogging Milestone

Woo hoo! I've now officially posted 1,000 times! And it seems like only yesterday that I started . . . .

Blogging is such a great way to let off steam and give the world the benefit of your opinions!

Everyone in the blogosphere is friendly and encouraging, for the most part.

And you know what they say: Blogging is cheaper than therapy!

After all, you don't want to keep everything all bottled up inside. That can only make you grumpy.


  1. Wow!! 1,000 posts! That is definitely cause for celebration. Congrats on having one of the best blogs too!!!
    I knew you'd squeeze Grumpy Cat into this post, lol!
    Blessings of the Season to you and Your Rare One. Love and hugs, Robin

  2. Wow!!! 1,000 posts. Quite a milestone.

    Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and yours.

  3. The blogging world is better with you in it!! Happy 1000!

  4. 1,00 posts - that makes you incredibly prolific! All I can say is Congratulations and Thank You!

  5. And the blogging world is 1,000 times better because of that! Congratulations on the milestone. So glad you're part of my blogging world :)

  6. 1000++++ and more to the nth degree CONGRATULATIONS, Debra....I know exactly what you are great blogging is and has become...hugs form Sophie doodle and myself!

  7. big congrats, Debs! :)And in your honour I shall have spicy Santa Babes later today at my place wishing you a Steamy Xmas :) You will be pleasantly shocked :)

  8. Me too!! Everything Ron said plus one!!
    1000!! Amazing when you think of it!
    OK partner, guess my time is up and I better be movin on!!

  9. YeeHaw! The blogging world is a much better place with you in it! Carry On!

  10. Congrats Deb ;o) So happy for you! I love that Grumpy cat! He brings a smile to my face all the time! Many blessings for the holiday season ;o)

  11. Happy 1000 posts! That's simply amazing. Meanwhile, we've barely hit 200 and often ask ourselves "what the hell are we going to ramble about next?"

    Also, Grumpy Cat may be sick of me, but I'm not sick of Grumpy Cat.

  12. Congratulations on your 1000th post! Wow wee, well done!! Happy, happy holidays to you and yours. Keep warm, we Canucks are having a deep freeze!!


  13. Congrats, beautiful Debra! What joy!! 1000 free therapy sessions. That and the fact that the world didn't makes my week.

    Now, give us the next 1000 ;-)

  14. I too hit 1,000 blog posts last week. Pretty amazing isn't it?

    Happy Christmas to you and your family

  15. Congrats on reaching 1000!!! :0)
    Happy Holidays to everyone! ♥

  16. Wow. 1000 posts. That's amazing! Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations to you. That's an amazing milestone. Putting 1,000 bits of you out there into the universe is an astounding feat. Well done.

  18. 1000 ways to make me smile. Congrats Deb - that's a heck of a bloggy milestone. Here's to the next 1000. Cheers!

  19. Congrats, Debra! I'm amazed that anyone can blog 1000 times. Thank you for all the funny posts, esp. the grumpy cat ones.

  20. I think I have been with you before you became so famous. It's a great milestone, congratulations. I admire those who can plug along with a post or two a day instead of the way I just dump everything on my mind. Have a great Christmas my friend.

  21. Funny how time flies isn't it? I have been blogging for 5 years now and agree with what you said,seems like I just started. And I also wish you a Merry Christmas Debs!!!!!!!

  22. Congratulations! Keep on blogging baby! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  23. wow!!! Congratulations Debra... that is impressive... keep on writing your life as you understand it post by post:-)

  24. Congratulations Debra! Merry Christmas!

  25. Congratulations! I cannot remember when I wrote my 1000th blog post, I usually only celebrate my blogging anniversary when I remember the date).

    Blogging is certainly therapeutic. It also makes one "meet" interesting people.

  26. Woo hoo.... congrats on reaching 1,000!!!!

  27. Congrats to your bad self. 1000 times you have faced the blank screen and come away with something interesting for us, your followers, to enjoy. Impressive...I'd give that performance a solid 9.9
    Er, 10, yeah, 10.
    xoxo Oma Linda

  28. Congratulations! That's quite a feat. :)

  29. congratulations! i have no idea how many posts i have put up? hell, i don't even know how i would find that out? i am so lame!!! merry christmas!!!

  30. 1000 posts is something I can only dream about. Very well done! Now that's an accomplishment.
    hope you have a Merry Christmas, Debra. Stay warm! :)

  31. 1000 is a lot of posts! Keep at it. Looking forward to another 1000.

  32. Congrats! I enjoy them very much and am so glad you visited so I found your blog :)

  33. as always the best....thanks for being here.

  34. 1000? Wow!
    I agree, blogging is cheaper than therapy.

  35. grats deb... it's kept you from committing other atrocities, so keep at it ;) lmao

  36. What a huge accomplishment Debra! Way to go, I love your blog and adore you. Congratulations and here's to many more posts! And you're right, so much cheaper than therapy.

  37. Congrabulations!

    I got 1,000 the hard way (almost 1100 actually) between 5 blogs. But to do it on one is pretty remarkable.

    Looking to hit 1,000 on mine sometime by the mid summer.

  38. Wow, 1,000 posts. Impressive. I'm coming up on 400 -- can't even wrap my brain around hitting a grand.

    Well done.

  39. CONGRATULATIONS! You have lightened my day so many mornings. So happy to be one of your blogging buddies!!

  40. Congrats on the milestone! Especially love the grumpy cat Les Miserable! Can't get enough of that cat!


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