Friday 7 December 2012

Edmonton Tarot: The Empress (III)

Interpretation: The Empress card represents the Divine Feminine, the Great Goddess as Earth Mother, source of all fertility, creativity, abundance and life. She is the dynamic force of creation. Drawing this card promises all those gifts if you let your heart lead the way, not your head or intuition.

Image: Located in Edmonton's beautiful river valley, the Muttart Conservatory consists of four glass pyramids surrounding a central atrium. The Muttart is one of Edmonton's most iconic structures. Three pyramids feature various plants native to different types of climate-controlled environments -- arid, tropical and temperate. The fourth "feature pyramid" changes its floral and plant displays several times per year and often has spectacular holiday displays. This sleepy mossy green Earth Goddess was the star of a feature pyramid display a few years ago.

[Photo by My Rare One]


  1. Earth Mother slumbers so peacefully! Lovely photo1 Nothing I like better in the middle of winter than going inside a tropical Conservatory, the earthy smell and humidity is such a relief from the dry, cold air outside! Not to mention the dose of green color! This is one tarot card I would be happy to draw!

  2. I'm big into gardening and growing my own food. We had a drought here and my gardens still thrived. I'm Irish and where my hands touch the soil, life comes forth.

  3. How gorgeous is that!! Wow, you couldn't have found a better example of Earth Mother had you tried :) I really enjoy the Muttart - especially the tropical pyramid.

  4. oh, that garden moss lady is glorious!

  5. Lovely Moss Princess!
    I remember the Muttart Gardens/Conservatory.....a beautiful display.

  6. She is sooooo beautiful! What a wonderful image.

  7. Wonderful interpretation! Great photo as well. :0)
    And very cool about the Conservatory. I never would've known.... I imagine it is fun to go visit for the different exhibits.

  8. Oh how beautiful she is...lush, round and the epitome of Mother Earth. Love the card and this photo.

  9. What a lovely image! So peaceful and relaxing!

  10. Moss grows very well here in the PNW, and I think I'm going to try growing my own Earth Goddess! She is gorgeous!


  11. goddess, creativity and green moss is great for me.

  12. There is nothing about this one that doesn't make me happy! I mean nothing. Except that it is not closer for me to go see in person!

  13. Stunning! Amazing garden art work. Best example of Earth Mother I've ever seen.

  14. my friends Anissa and Inky gave me a moon goddess necklace for christmas,she can never wait till Christmas..and it's on back order but she got me the fish like the Christians put on their car except it has fins on the fish and under it it says pagan..all i could think of was how many people I could piss off ..I"m putting it right by the My goddess gave birth to your God bumper sticker..

  15. I LOVE her hair. I wonder if I can spike mine up like that. Hm...

  16. super!

    do you still have that stupid 'waterfall' off the high-level bridge?

  17. The things you can do with moss. It is beautiful.

  18. Hi laughingwolf -- Yes, Edmonton still operated the High Level Waterfall on holidays up until a couple of years ago. Now it's under review by city hall. There's environmental concerns about pumping that much treated water into the natural river system. The waterfall may well be discontinued.

  19. Powerful image. I like the egg shapes underneath her body. All her gifts are there and about to be realized!

  20. Nice. I get the Empress a lot, and I would appreciate it if she looked like this.


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