Monday 3 December 2012

It's the Grump-Grumpiest Time of the Year!

Don't you just love Grumpy Cat, the latest internet meme sensation? Oh, that sour little face!

Grumpy Cat is not impressed by the upcoming Christmas season of happiness and good cheer. Grumpy Cat is determined NOT to enjoy the month of December in the slightest.

Of course like everyone else, there's only one thing I want to know --

Grumpy Cat's real name is Tard -- short for Tardar (Tartar) Sauce. She is a female mixed breed of uncertain origins. Her grumpy face is entirely natural, not photoshopped. Tard lives in Arizona with her family. They are busily cashing in on her current fame by selling Grumpy Cat merchandise (click here) and really, who can blame them? Internet notoriety is so fleeting.


  1. NOBODY owns grumpy cat... she's her OWN boss! ;) lol

  2. Well then there is the problem...the poor cat lives in Arizona! I'd be grumpy too.

  3. Admittedly, I do love that meme. And yes, like the people that own her, if I had some kind of famous animal I'd milk that little beast for all it was worth.

    (At least I admitted it, right?)

  4. Grumpy is a superstar .... deservedly!

  5. I hit my mind blown yesterday when I found out I knew about precious Tard before my husband! And you know I love me some Tard. I think she is my official Friday mascot for the moment!!!

  6. I loled hard at the 2nd photo

  7. well I love Grumpy cat, reminds me of my sister in law,

  8. I LOVE Grumpy cat. Always a giggle....

    What's the latest on HRH? Coming home for the holidays??? ;D ;D ;D

  9. Pssst, Snap -- stay tuned later this week!

  10. Grumpy cat is my kind of cat.

  11. I love Grumpy Cat....after all Grumpy is as Grumpy does. Besides she looks a little like my mother in that's grumpy.

  12. I hadn't heard of Grumpy Cat. Now I have a new god!

  13. Grumpy Cat looks like he could use a good night's sleep, lol!! He makes me tired just looking at him :D

  14. I work with someone who has that exact expression on her face! Love that cat - no so much the co-worker.

  15. OMG Debra!!! I'm late getting to the party, but the last photo is PRICELESS!!! :-D
    My friend and I have decided we are forming *The Grinchettes*.....kinda like The Rockettes, except you just have to wear some item of Grinch clothing, can be fat, out of shape, and an utter procrastinator. And if you can do a chorus line kick, even better!
    Thanks for a *LOL* post!


  16. Glad you answered Snap, I was wondering the same thing, Debra =)

  17. As usual, I am out of the loop. Never heard of Grumpy Cat. I have known some people with that same expression....scary!

  18. I just watched Grumpy Cat's video and fell in love, just don't tell the girls. I'd like Xmas cards of her sentiments involving Xmas. Queen of Grumpy!

  19. Grumpy cat is great. Her attitude makes me look very mellow, and quite cherry!

  20. Grumpy Cat is the perfect meme for out times. The combination of kitty and ennui so I am a fan.

  21. I had never seen "Grumpy Cat" - wow! she/he/it looks a lot like my ex-husband. Strange world.

  22. Aw, Grumpy Cat. So cute! I had not heard of GC before. I just got lost in their website for about 25 minutes. Ha!

  23. They look like I feel...grumpy!!! Must check out that site. I need a good laugh.

  24. She's adorable. I love that grumpy face.

  25. HahahaHa! I almost fell off my chair when I saw this. Wow what a face! I'm sure she really has a wonderful personality!

  26. I love grumpy cat! She's certainly earning her keep with that grouchy face :)

  27. thank you for that! this post introduced me to the coolest cat ever!!

  28. Jesus, are we related? I LOVE her, she is Gorgeous!

  29. I LOVE that cat! And the Picard lol! I literally just sent out six of that lolcat last weekend to my family. Visit Joey's blog to see them!

  30. OMG I love her!!!!! Hate to say, but I can relate. It takes me an extra 20 minutes to get home during the holidays... :P

  31. I was convinced she was photoshopped. Miss Phoebe says "fuck ur day tartar"

    (PHOEBE... stop it!!!)

    I wonder what I can get from evil glances. Phoebe's perfected that.

  32. I spit my soup out with glee and laughter at Mery Fuck You,weee!
    Thank you, I did not know any of that about said Grumpy Cat even though I looooove her!

  33. Hey - good detective work, Debra! I knew I had seen that face before, she must be getting lots of work!

  34. How adorable!!!! Just love her face! (psst...don't tell Gomez!)

  35. LOL @ Picard....too funny for words! :)

  36. And women in Hollywood pay plastic surgeons for high cheekbones and a tiny button nose....

  37. I was going to make a very witty comment. Nicely spelled and all. Then I read that Grumpy Cat looks like Oma Linda's mother in law and I nearly died laughing. I'm pretty sure I burst a neuron or something...

  38. I wish I was a cat, or looked like one. Cute with a grumpy face, cute when fat, cute when old, cute with hairy toes, even cute when using the toilet (still not that cute when barfing though).

  39. The feline version of Eyeore, eh?

  40. LOL! Poor Tard! I pet is a real sweet cat! I love her face!

  41. I LOVE all cats, grumpy or not.

  42. Grumpy Cat has reasons for being grumpy.




  43. I love Tardar Sauce! So freakin' cute!


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