Friday 21 December 2012

Winter Solstice Blessings

So today will tell whether we survive another predicted End of the World. But while we're waiting to find out what happens, let's all have a nice eggnog with rum and celebrate the Winter Solstice, shall we?

May the Holly Goddess shower an abundance of Solstice/Yule blessings on you and yours! And always remember . . . .


  1. Happy Yule to you! We in the East are bracing for a winter storm. Might get 2 cm!!! Oh my!

  2. same to you my friend and your family , absolutely wonderful graphics!!!!

  3. when is the end supposed to come? Midnight? Does that mean, due to time zones, that the world will fall apart bits by bits? :)

  4. Werll we survived it here in central Canada. Supposed to happen at 6:11 am our time. I stayed in bed for the occasion and listened to the countdown on the radio. Oh well ... Happy Yule to you, Debra!

  5. Yule blessings to you and yours! And to all your followers as well! :)

  6. Solstice blessings to you, my friend. May your weekend be filled with joy.

  7. Alive and well...and Kingston, ON, so this part of the world is okay.

    And I am tap dancing with joy that the days will now start getting longer again! There is hope of spring returning...

    Yule blessings to you and yours!

  8. I'd love to comment but the world has ended. :)

  9. Yes, celebrating Winter Solstice is a much cosier thought for today. I hope Yule be blessed :)

  10. Happy Yule to you and your Rare One! I say we made it, well done to us!

  11. Blessings of Yule to you and your Rare One as well as all the readers of this blog.
    And let's raise a glass to the new Era that will begin.
    Oma Linda

  12. Wishing you and of course HRH a Yule full of beauty, lots of treats and the end of the world comforts ;)

  13. I plan on lots of yuling this year! I deserve it!

    BTW - Larry's Party has now been gifted to someone else I thought would benefit from it and I even used the same box =)

  14. I am totally sending that comic everywhere! Thanks :)

  15. That is such a funny comic! Love it! Many blessings to you and your loved ones Debra ;o) Happy Winter Solstice ;o)

  16. well, its 10:30am and we're still here. how are things in the city.

    happy solstice and yule blessing to you

  17. Still here - and I can't say I'm surprised! Not exactly disappointed either.

  18. it goes from 81 to 18 and then back rose bush is trying to commit suicide

  19. Yuletide Blessings to you and yours! :0)
    {{Love the last pic!}}

  20. Happy Yuletide! Also glad we will be seeing more daylight again. Love the first cartoon!

  21. So many end of the world posts!

  22. Debra, the warmest of solstice blessings you and Your Rare One. May the Yule log burn bright and strong.

    Absolutely love the last graphic!!!

    Hugs, dear friend.

  23. Well Im glad the winter solstoce is here and Im still having my end of world party! Now.....where's that egg nog?

  24. Beautiful Deb.
    Today is the beginning of Summer Solstice here and accordingly it is hot,sticky and barely do-able.
    Still, do we will,with gifts and wine and wine and wine.
    Everyone is ready for the Santa countdown;I am just ready.
    The world didn't end well not in the way many of us were expecting anyway.
    Life goes on.
    Blessings to you and yours dear friend.
    Merry SPF xxx

  25. It's been a wonderful winter solstice day here. Happy day to you!

  26. I could use a good rum about now! And Debra, may you get soaked with abundance of Solstice/Yule blessings! Have a great weekend.

  27. Happy Solstice! May your Yule Log burn brightly and long!

  28. The fact that the world didn't end today changes everything. Now I actually have to make plans for the weekend.

  29. I don't know why, but all those muscles and that horse made me want to start running around the house, yelling, "YULE!!!"

    Warm Winter Solstice blessings to you, your Strange One and HRH. Shine on!

  30. I'm still alive. Or maybe the apocalypse is late.

  31. HUgs my beautiful friend..thanks for all the smiles..Happy Solstice.. and looking forward to more of your special magic in 2013! Wishing you mega-sparkles and bliss always!


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