Thursday 17 January 2013

Shirakawa-go Village, Part 2

Near the old Japanese village mill with its turning wooden water-wheel . . .

. . . there was a small wayside shrine on the path. When I peeked inside . . .

. . . I found that some kind soul had outfitted the Buddha with a warm knitted coat and hat to fend off the winter's chill!

And there was a second surprise in Shirakawa-go for those who took the time to snoop around. Despite this village's dedication to protecting and preserving an ancient way of life, I discovered this tucked away at the back of the gift store -- a big honkin' shiny modern riding snowblower!

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. Love the contrast between the old and the new. At least Buddha was warm.

  2. That's awesome! I love the snowblower. Also, is covering a buddha in a snow hat and coat just being sweet or blasphemy? I have a feeling if someone put a beanie and a parka on Jesus the locals here would be none too happy. :)

  3. Aww, budda is warm! I bet a child did that. I'm happy to see the snowblower among all the tradition too. It's a pleasant surprise.

  4. I love that the Buddha was warm. :)

  5. That's great! LOL Nothing like bringing y ou back to the present. :)

  6. Not blasphemy to apply clothing to the Buddha. It works with the older beliefs of the area and in other cultures the gods and goddesses are provided clothing -- they get up in the morning, have breakfast, get dressed --- just like the rest of us! :D :D Love this post ... from the Buddha to the snowblower -- great contrasts.

  7. Oh I just love the warm red coat on the Buddha. As for the snow blower, it seems people pick and choose how much of post modern technology they want to embrace. I was shoccked to learn that the women in this area who dress in the old style Mennonite garb use the birth contol pill.

  8. A great incorporation of past and present! And even Buddha needs a coat and hat in the cold! :0)

  9. I couldn't help but laugh with the snowblower! No matter how much we love that 'old way' of life, we need our modern conveniences. Nice that Buddha was kept warm. I can certainly understand the need for that...I shake like a leaf all winter long!

  10. how snuggly for Buddha! that snow-blower is immense!

  11. That's such wonderful benevolence for the Buddha!

    And I've never seen a snow blower like that before, that's HUGE!

  12. Looks so amazing Debra. I have always wanted to go to Japan... the introverted nature of their culture, the old and the new...

  13. We went in super warm weather, I am sure it would be even more beautiful with snow :)

  14. That is great coat and hat, obviously handmade!
    We would love to have a snowblower that color!

  15. Gosh those pictures are gorgeous! I love a quiet village in the snow.

  16. Oh my gawd that hat on the Buddha with the little pompom. Is the word I'm looking for kawaii?

    I'm always astonished by just how much Japan can look like New England at times. That first picture with the mill could almost have been taken right down the street from me as far as the landscape goes. That's what I notice when I travel, the landscape, and that's what stays with me when I get home.

  17. nicely done, deb... I and II come together well :)

  18. Loved the knitted sweater and cap! I'm sure it was appreciated!
    What a contrast of times seeing this 21st century machine.

  19. What a gorgeous place! OMG...that snowblower is ginormous!!!

  20. love the snow all over there...and wow, that Buddha in crocheted clothes islooking cute, hope he doesn't mind being cute:)

  21. The second picture made me yell, "Someone stole my tippy." I know, I'm so immature *sigh*

  22. Very pretty and quaint with the snow. Love the snowblower - work smarter, not harder :)

  23. This place is so beautiful. And obviously the people who live there are smart!

  24. I love the color of that snowblower! So cool! The handmade coat and hat for Buddha is so precious!! Made me smile ;o)

  25. What they did for their Buddha is so sweet!

    And I guess that, no matter where/how you live, a snow plow can be useful when you get too much snow.

  26. I love that snowblower!


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