Tuesday 19 February 2013


A big thank you to Bev over at Black Ink Paperie for passing this Versatile Blogger Award on to me recently! I really appreciate it.

Now I'm supposed to list seven things about me. But here's where the vice-versatility comes in. BEV is who I want to talk about in this post.

Seriously, people, if you want to read a beautifully written, screamingly funny blog, go check out Black Ink Paperie. Every post is a delightfully quirky exposition on some off-beat topic or observation of life. The posts are concise and each word is a perfectly chosen gem.

As a final touch, Bev finds wonderful old black-and-white photos to illustrate her posts. For example, this enigmatic solitary dancer is one of my faves. I love every mysterious, gothic detail.


  1. Congragulations! You desrve it! I head over there right now..I'm intrigued!

  2. Congrats. I agree that is a cool photo.

  3. Well deserved, Debra!! Congrats and yes I'm going to her blogsite right now!

  4. Well done, and thanks for pointing me to Bev's blog.

  5. Congrats on your award, Debra!
    Will check out the Bev's blog.
    That woman is dancing with someone...

  6. we do love concise blogs, not many of those around, I'm afraid....

  7. congrats to you - you deserve an award!
    going to check out recommended blog now....peace!

  8. Congratulations, I'll go check her out!

  9. congrats to you! and she has a great blog. i just added her to my sidebar!

  10. Congrats on the award. Much deserved. I have been following Bev's bog for awhile now and I agree...very cool quirky blog.

  11. Congratulations to you!!! Well deserved!
    And love the photo! Now off to check out her blog. :0)

  12. grats, deb :)

    will check out bev in a bit...

  13. ha! found out i'm already a long-ago follower, just forgot about her ;)

  14. Congrats, Debra and I love how you took the award and made it about her =)

  15. I like her grass skirt.

    Congratulations! Thanks for introducing me to a new blogger:)

    Yep, I'm back and grumpy about it,lol. Ohh what a place..

  16. Congratulations! You truly deserve this award. And the blog it comes from sounds like something I'd love, so I'm going to check it out!

  17. You definitely deserve and earned this award, Debra. Off to Bev's blog now....always nice to find new quirky blogs!!!

  18. Congrats on the award, Debra!! Now what'cha gonna do? Go to Disney World? lol.

  19. Congratulations on your award, Debra! I checked out Bev's blog and enjoyed it so much that I became a follower! I hope that all is well with you!

  20. And I thought I was the only one dancing in the basement wearing a tinsel skirt...


  21. I gotta go check out her blog. I love funny blogs. Oh, congrats on the award, hon.

  22. Congratulations Debra!

  23. I will check it out, but still want your seven things!

  24. Congrats! I'd say you definitely are a versatile blogger. :)

    That is certainly an interesting photo. Maybe I'm seeing things, but it looks like something is trying to crawl out of the fireplace.

  25. Congrats on the award! I am going to check out her blog right now ;o)

  26. jesus debra, (am i allowed to say jesus here? ). don't talk about me, talk about you. you're so mysterious. i've always got my business hanging out everywhere.
    please tell me seven things about you or maybe 9.

    thank you so much for saying nice things about me. if it wasn't 1 o'clock in the morning i'd drive it edmonton and scream your name. i truly appreciate your kind words and that vast well of knowledge you seem to possess. xxxx

  27. Hee hee, yeah, sorry Bev -- I drive people mental that way, I know.


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