Friday 8 March 2013

Happy International Women's Day!

As I wrote in last year's post: Every year on this blog, I like to celebrate International Women's Day by posting a video of some wonderful KICK-ASS women who live their lives OUT LOUD. They are great role models for the rest of us, showing us how to be brave and be ourselves!

The woman I'm featuring this year, Vivian Maier, does not at first glance seem to fit this bill. She lived an extremely quiet and private life as a working nanny in Chicago and New York before dying in 2009 of old age. There didn't appear to be anything very kick-ass or out loud about her at all.

In fact, she was so private and secretive that no one, not even her closest friends, knew of her passion for photography. Only after death was her tremendous artistic talent discovered and revealed. Clearly an introvert, she did not need the world's acknowledgment or approval of her art.

It was through her unknown photography that Vivian Maier lived her life out loud simply by being true to herself and to her unique view of the world.

In addition to several posthumous international exhibitions, publication of a book and website posting of some of her best photos on the internet, a documentary about her life will be released in 2013 entitled Finding Vivian Maier. The trailer tells more about her life and about how her art was serendipitously discovered just a few years ago:

[Thanks to Doug Jamieson at Geezer Online where I first saw this video.]


  1. Great choice for International Women's Day. And thanks for the mention.

  2. What a fascinating woman. Now I want to know more - which is what she would have hated, of course. The ultimate introvert?

  3. I just spent a huge chunk of time looking though the photos on her website. Wow - I mean wow. They are tremendous. She had a great eye.

  4. Beautiful work! An incredible eye for composition! It can truly be amazing, the secret talents some people hide.

  5. Happy International Women's Day, Debs to you, your loved one and HRH!

  6. "I wish I would have found those negatives instead of you" That gave me a chuckle.

    Wow! Amazing how they found her work and what a true artist she was and she never had the desire to share it with anyone.

    Fantastic post, Debra. Thank you!!!

  7. Let's celebrate ourselves and being ourselves! Great thought!
    Have a happy Women's Day!

  8. Happy International Women's Day to you too!
    Thanks for sharing Vivian's story! Totally fascinating.

  9. Thank you for sharing that. I had never heard of Vivian Maier before. I love the idea that she lived so privately but left such a interesting legacy. Her photos are amazing.

  10. I am so intrigued by her. I'll have to do some more research. She lived out loud behind a facade. Mystery indeed. Thanks so much for sharing this. Oma Linda

  11. Happy Woman's Day to you. Thanks for sharing about this very special woman.

  12. ~you have made my spirit soar...watching this...hearing about her speaks ever so clearly to me...i can feel and understand her why's...i think as much as she was an introvert she is now possibly alive and rejoicing in the attention her art has brought forth...a joy...she was not ready to embrace while she was here...quite possibly all apart of what she had intended to be discovered only after she was gone...thank you greatly for sharing her with have left me quite inspired this morning...happy woman's day to you and yours...much love light and blessings~

  13. I was so impressed with Vivian Maier when I heard about her a couple of years ago. She is truly inspirational to us all Debra. What a fitting woman to be celebrating today....and every day! Thanks for this reminder.

  14. This is an unbelievable story! Wow. I am amazed at her photography and very very curious to find out more about her.

  15. awe... being true to yourself! sooo important. I look forward to learning more about her. Breathtaking stills!

  16. Hello my Dawlink.

    Hey Debra I nominated you for an award. Come visit my blog to get it.

  17. Wow. Such beautiful photography. Amazing that such a gifted, creative soul was able to hide so much of who she was.

    I wish I had discovered that treasure!

    Have a great weekend,

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤... Jennifer

  18. Absolutely amazing. You really never know a persons story.

  19. She is the perfect choice for today! What an amazing, fascintating - and definitely introverted - woman. Her work is beautiful, and the world will now see it. While alive, I've no doubt that being in the public eye this much would have stressed her.

  20. I learn the most interesting things here! Thank you for giving her a shout-out.

    BTW, I am visiting my "beehive" family and my dad was tickled to read your posts about the bee goddess!

  21. Thanks for this interesting post!

  22. Debra, thank you so much for sharing this! I want to find out more! So interesting!!! Wow!!! Have a great weekend ;o)

  23. god, what a gem. thanks debra for once again showing me the way..

  24. What a great story! Vivian's images are amazing. Eccentric, creative people always make great subjects in documentaries. I will be waiting for this one to show up on the Sundance channel! It is so interesting how someone so introverted could take photos of people that seem to say so much.

  25. Beautiful post..beautiful creative woman..she is pure art. Wonderful tribute for this day. I understand this well and have struggled my life with introverted nature, at it's worst and it's best! as a child..the moment anyone took notice of anything creative i did..I'd feel caged and immediately stop it. There is a quiet bliss in keeping hidden and holding your own treasures and creations captive for only you to decide to hide or reveal. it is a powerful choice..feeling hidden makes one feel more powerful.. It is wonderful she is being celebrated..yet I imagine she would totally cringe at the very thought of all of this! Shine on, powerful post and tribute to a magnificent artist and woman! You rock!

  26. You are one of my pay it forward recipients. Just send me your home address and I will send out your little gift.

  27. Wow, thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. I want to run out and buy me a camera. ;)

  28. What a great story about a woman who lived her life on her own terms. That is something I need to work on.

    Thanks for sharing the life of this amazing woman!

  29. Fascinating! Both her work and her being. Now I must read more about her. Thank you for the introduction.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  30. Debra - I love that your recognize that a person can live their life OUT LOUD without being a public, proclaimed figure. Many people live lives rich, wonderful, passionate lives in their own way. People often see quiet people as living lives of "quiet desperation," which is such an unfair judgment of the way a person chooses to live. Maier's work is amazing, rich, passionate and wonderful. I'm going to look at more and enjoy her work, thanks to you. I bow.

  31. Would loved to have met her! happy IWD, Debra!


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