Wednesday 13 March 2013

More Revealing Q & A!

Blog award season is clearly in full swing! A big thank you to Sarah at Enjoying the Epiphany for passing another Liebster award on to me.

And many thanks as well to Leeana at Can We Have a New Witch Ours Melted and Alice M at For the Love of Life! Alice's World! for each sending another Versatile Blogger award my way.

Now, of course, I'm supposed to tell you a whole bunch of random facts about myself -- 25 facts in total, if I add up the requirements of all three tags. Plus there are 11 further questions posed by Sarah as part of her award. But my gawd, if I did all that, you'd be stone dead of boredom by the time I finished! So I'm just going to answer Sarah's 11 questions and leave it there.

1. Where were you born? In a little one-horse prairie town in a galaxy far, far away (also known as Manitoba).

2. What is your most favourite thing from childhood? A battered-up old autograph book from 1965 when I was in Grade 3. Of course, no one famous signed it (see answer to question #1).

3. Why did you start blogging and why do you blog now? For me, it's all about the fame and fortune. Shallow, I know, but that's Hollywood, baby (also known as Edmonton).

4. What is your favourite silly made-up word? "Buggerlugs" -- a fine old prairie epithet that my father used frequently.

5. Who is your favourite leading man or woman? Everyone who reads this blog knows of my inexplicable obsession with Colin Firth. I am not ashamed.

6. Who is your favourite heroine or hero from any book and why? I've always been fond of Horatio Hornblower from C.S. Forester's novels about England's Royal Navy. An honorable, intelligent introvert and man of action!

7. Have you gotten to know any of your fellow bloggers personally? I've had the pleasure of meeting two local bloggers for coffee -- Jane of Jane's Jewels and Laeli of Into The Great Wide Open. Delightful women, both of them!

8. What is your favourite holiday? Any statutory holiday that pays me to stay home and have a day off.

9. Who is your role model and why? An important part of my childhood was spent playing scenes from Anne of Green Gables with a girl named Tomboy. I had such a huge crush on Tomboy that I let her be Anne and I settled for second-banana status as Diana. (Click here for further details, if you're interested).

10. What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you there yet and are you what you wanted to be as a child? I planned on being Prime Minister of Canada. Last time I checked, I wasn't. Damn you, Stephen Harper.

11. What is your favourite quote? It's from Paracelsus -- "Be not another, if thou canst be thyself." When I was young, I read it in a Robertson Davies novel, I believe. Words to live by.


  1. Congrats on your well deserved awards.

  2. It is NOT too late for you to be PM! Grumpy cat could be your VP.

  3. I sit through the most horrid of films just because Firth is in them. And he's been in some stinkaroos too. Great quote you chose.

  4. Congrats!!! Love Colin Firth too!!!

  5. we shall all become famous and rich thanks to blogging, sister Debs :)

  6. oh man...i wonder what happened to my autograph book. i loved that thing! congrats on all your awards!

  7. I love your quote and just recently accepted it as fact. It's okay just to be you. Great getting to know a bit about you!

  8. Congrats on the awards! Loved your answers. Some of those questions are tough. But we can all agree about Colin Firth.

  9. Love your answers! And the quote is one to live by! Congrats on the awards!

  10. Congrats on the awards! :0)
    Marvelous answers to some tough questions! And there's still time for you to become PM! Unless HRH sets her eyes on the position.....

  11. Congrats on the awards! They are certainly well-deserved.

    I will vote for you for PM. Just go for it :)

    I met Jane, too, and thought she was wonderful. I am so envious that you met Laeli! She's one of my favourite bloggers.

  12. I can't vote for you as PM, but maybe I could hold a bake sale near the border to raise campaign funds.

  13. loved your answers, the quote and agree about Colin Firth. Now as to the Prime Minister thing.....but wouldn't that cause a riff between you and HRH?

  14. Which one horse Manitoba town? Is it terrible. I was born in St. Bonifac which is kinda cool. I always felt like a rebel to come from that community.

    Harper is keep me down too like the MAN always does.

  15. Thank You Madam!

    I'm using buggerlugs from here on out.
    I like getting to know you like this, congratulations on your awards!

  16. Congratulations darlin. Well deserved.

  17. Congratulations, Debra! I thought we'd duked it out over Colin firth already, but never mind, it's your day! Hmmm, you want to be Prime Minister, eh? So how do we know that you aren't the PM? Maybe your are Stephen Harper blogging as his lesbian alter ego?? EH????

  18. Congrats on the awards ;o) Hey it is never late to be Prime Minister! I will vote for you! I love the quote! Have a great day ;o)

  19. Always cool to learn new things about my favorite bloggers.

    And I must admit, I do enjoy watching Colin Firth act.

  20. The liebster award rulez!! And your answers were awesome...great humor.

  21. Madame Prime Minister, I sure hope you have a trophy cabinet to hold all these!

  22. Cheers! And it is fun to learn more about you. I love how you saved the 3rd grade autograph book!

  23. Great answers Deb! I have got random emails asking me things, but they didnt really warrent a whole post, this would be a great way to answer questions, like in a Q & A. I feel like we learned more about you.

  24. I like honorable introverts too.

  25. Yay..congrats!! I totally settled to be Diana instead of Anne..I used to play that too..I would have let you be Anne! Fabulous post..lovely to hear about you.

  26. I would totally vote for you as Prime Minister! To put it lightly, I am not a fan of S.H.

  27. You've got my vote Madam Prime Minister! ;)

  28. Not a fan of the Harp either. Congratulations on your award! When will you be running for office?


    Was that a bit too enthusiastic?

    Can we sneak your name on the next ballot somewhere?


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