Sunday 21 April 2013

A Royal Wave of the Paw

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here. Today is the 87th birthday of one of my favourite relatives, Betty Windsor. Or, as you commoners call her, Queen Elizabeth II.

Many people wonder if the Queen will ever abdicate the Crown and retire. Some people even get quite worked up about it.

But take it from me, Betty will NEVER do such a thing. She is made of sterner stuff.

As you undoubtedly recall, the Queen's own Mum lived to be 101. I'm sure her daughter Elizabeth's genes will last just as long -- maybe longer!

So have a marvelous birthday, Betty darling! Sending hugs and purrs your way, today and always!


  1. Happy Birthday to Betty -- long may she reign.

  2. Ha ha. Yes, Happy Birthday Queen Betty. Say hi to Phil for me!

  3. Happy birthday to this classy lady. I hope she reigns for a long time to come because I think her son is a bit of a dweeb. OOPS... Did I say that out loud? :O

  4. My, and Lizzie. Who'da thunk?

  5. That's hilarious! Yes, she has wonderful genes and will probably outlast us all.

  6. I wonder if Charles will get much time at all. Her mom lived a really long time.

  7. God save our gracious Queen!
    Long live our noble Queen!

  8. Ha, that picture is hilarious.

  9. Happy Birthday to Queen Betty. May she have many, many more.

  10. Long may she rave.....reign, sorry Betty. Oma Linda

  11. Happy Birthday to Betty! She is quite the character!

  12. Happy Bday to the Queen Mum! :0)
    A tough ol' bird if I ever saw one!

  13. When I was at a church service in England, we sang "God Save The Queen". I sang along with great gusto and realized that hardly anyone else was singing! Hey, I am sorry, I won't apologize for it, I think the Queen is one tough broad and I really admire her!
    Happy and Glorious, God Save The Queen!

  14. I want to know why she is wearing a hat sort of shaped like the Mad Hatter's hat. Has she lost her mind? Time to go, Betty. Give that boy of yours a chance.

  15. I feel for Charles, actually.

  16. My husband I were discussing her age the other day. I thought she was 91. She has oodles of time left to piss off Charles!

  17. So you're saying she's not just gonna say fuck it and quit like the Pope? I'd love to see her get up on the podium and be all "yo bitches! I'm outta here!"

  18. It appears that she is hanging in there for the long haul. Good for her if she is up to it.

    As for Charles, he's got a good gig going for him. Doing public appearances and waiting. Not a bad job if one can get it.

  19. The catness should be next in line!

  20. Happy Birthday to the Queen. She's got at least another 10 years in her--Charles can kick back and put his feet up!

  21. who'd want run-amuck-chuck as king of anything, anyway? ;)

  22. Thats my 'something amazing' for today- a blog posting cat on first name basis with the Queen.
    Charles cracked me up and i think Lillibet will bop on until she drops.( Sad for Charles actually.)
    Still smiling though.
    Happy Birthday to Lillibet xx

  23. Ooh, she will NEVER retire... which I think is a good thing... skip Charles entirely!

  24. Poor Charles, he's going to be waiting awhile, isn't he.

  25. Charles looks like he is about to have a tantrum. Maybe Her Royal Bettiness *grin* will let him wear the crown during her birthday party. For a bit of course, while reminding him that it's all make believe ;-)

  26. Yes! Long live the Queen!!

  27. Loved this, Debra! And I'm with you ~ she'll never retire, nor should she!

  28. Can a monarch retire? Even a figurehead? Is there any precedent for such a thing?

  29. Oh I wish she would abdicate! Or better still: declare that the monarchy is done and dealt with and that the UK should become a republic. One can dream. I cannot believe I share my birthday with her. This is quite ironic.


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