Thursday 18 April 2013

Disaster in West, Texas

Last night the fertilizer plant blew up in the small Texas town of West, where Jackiesue of Yellowdog Granny lives. Thank goodness she and her family are all safe! But currently it is estimated that 15 people have died, 160 are injured and half the town has been evacuated. We were so shocked to see the live coverage on CBC news last night! Here are a couple of photos from the internet showing the blast and OMG that mushroom-shaped cloud --

On her blog, Jackiesue says her first thought was "that little asshole North Korean does have a bomb!" Click here to read her account of how she rushed to the West Rest Haven nursing home inside the blast zone to help evacuate all the seniors. Jackiesue is one of the citizen heroes of West!

Here's another internet photo showing the heavy damage sustained by the apartment block across the street from the fertilizer plant --

Please keep the good people of West, Texas in your thoughts and prayers today.


  1. Americans see terrorists everywhere not seeing at the same time that they're themselves the biggest threat to the world peace, with their mindless invasions, killings and bombings of innocent people around the world.

  2. It absolutely hurt my heart!

  3. another disaster, heroic people give us hope,

  4. My niece and her family live close to there. Sending prayers on the smoke for all.

  5. Ammonium nitrate is an ingredient in both fertilizer and explosives. Dangerous stuff.

  6. What a shocking thing to have happened.

  7. I read her posts too and was terribly upset till I heard she was ok. Her humor(the "asshole" comment)put a smile on my face. I love her posts, her humor..and so grateful that she is safe. Prayers have already been sent and will continue sending...

  8. i have been watching reports on this all morning. how awful!

  9. Such a horrible week for so many...truly awful.

  10. I was saddened to hear about this. Just terrible. Glad to hear Jackiesue is okay, and that her first thought was to help people. As it should be.

  11. Hi Debra! Thanks for your post about the disaster in West, Texas. I went to Jackiesue's post and left a message. It is so sad. But what a selfless and courageous person JS is! I saw your google closeup map ~ is there some place you can direct me to to learn how to do that? I do have a thing about maps! Have a good one!

  12. This week has been one of horrors.

  13. It's great that she helped out instead of running away. Sucks that so many were killed or injured. Thanks for sharing her story.

  14. It is all over the news. What a terrible tragedy!

  15. wow, Dezmond, are you American?

    I am very glad Yellowdog Granny is okay and she is definitely a hero for the running toward she did. Well done. It's a really hard thing. What a week this week has been.

  16. I went to read her blog this morning to see if she was ok. Thank the Goddess she was.
    She is such a fierce women. She lets nothing stand in her way, a real hero.

  17. I live about 5 hours from there. So sad to hear but as usual everyone pitched in to help.

  18. Wow, what a hero! Thank you for posting this.

  19. We are keeping these people of West, Texas in our thoughts. What a horrible experience to witness.

  20. Jackie is amazing in all of this. She is on Facebook and her blog directing those of West and around the world on how they can help.

  21. thank you for all your kind words..but the only hero's are the ones that got there first(the always got there first)and didn't come back..we're struggling and it's so painful, but these Czech's are strong and brave, they will get thru it..maybe never get over it..but we'll get thru it..

  22. oh Debra, it is beyond awful, beyond comprehension.
    To have two such tragedies within days of each other with the possibility of a third unfolding at MIT right now is horrific.
    I pray for them all and of course for terror victims all over the world, our home. Lisa x

  23. I agree with DEZMOND, sometimes our fellow citizens are so worried about terrorist (and aliens) that we forget that fertilizer can go boom!

    So sorry for those who lost their lives, for their families... my prayers are with them.

  24. I'm so glad Yellowdog Granny is okay. The people of West, Texas are being held in my heart.

  25. ~it seems life has been full of saddening events as of late...our hearts and prayers be with all this day and those to follow...much love light and blessings~

  26. I am so sorry for all the people who were involved in this terrible blast! They are in my prayers.

  27. Texans are strong like the people in Boston. I applaud all Americans this week for their resolve and strength.


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