Tuesday 23 April 2013

Oh, how you wound me!

In the comments to my recent post about doing my income taxes, I feel like a couple of you implied that I was being a . . . a . . . A PROCRASTINATOR!

But the joke's on you! I was in fact cured of procrastination long ago by the expert feline psychoanalysis of Doctor HRH.

Doctor HRH turned my life around and taught me to see that only a FEW things truly need to be done on a priority basis before anything else -- crucial tasks like feeding her, playing with her, cleaning her litter box, etc. Everything else can wait.

So don't friggin' nag me about meeting my other obligations according to THE MAN'S arbitrary timeline!

Well okay, even if I haven't actually been cured, I can still be smug because I know I'm not alone! Bwa-ha-ha-ha, WE ARE LEGION!


  1. Count me in too!!
    loved the painter finishing his painting off during the exhibition LOL!

  2. Ha ha! HRH knows what is truly important! And it ain't income tax.

  3. Oh I am the worst for procrastinating! Taxes wouldn't be top of my to-do list either!

  4. Hahaha...love these, especially the one with the cat. My cats live the good life; they lie around all day doing nothing, and wonder what I'm babbling about when I ask them "when are you going to get up and do something useful?" Get up?

  5. i am SO not a procrastinator but i am drowning in a sea of them!!!

  6. we all need a cat for a shrink... cats are such wise philosophers.....

  7. OMG!!!! You've been brainwashed!

  8. I liked the attitude from the cat.

  9. I guess it's time to do taxes, then, although it seems to me that HRH says I can wait until next year to do them.

    Thanks, HRH!

  10. Too funny! I wish I wasn't allegic to cats, I would have one of these wise ones. LOL

  11. What if I get my income taxes done by an accountant?

    Regardless of who does my taxes, I still take forever to wake up...

  12. Putting things off is a fine art. That being, doing it with a sense of pride and panache. Own it baby!!!! There are crafters....and then there are artists.

  13. I put things off until it really, really, really needs to be done like at the last minute. David hates that.

    It took me four weeks before I finally threaded my new sewing machine and sewed up a couple of canvas bags we use for groceries. Four weeks girlfriend!!

  14. I love the Savage Chickens cartoon! I too am a part of this nation!

  15. I love these cartoons! You are so not alone. I love the cat in front of the laptop. I totally get that!

  16. My taxes are always done at the last minute. Love these cartoons. My cat is not in front of the laptop, but she is at my feet.

  17. Hilarious! All I have left to do is file away this year's papers! Five minutes, tops. Whew!

  18. I always put off doing my taxes until I'm close to the deadline. The Savage Chickens cartoon is my favorite....typical cat response!

  19. If you are getting $$ back you can hand them in late. and you know what? At the end of your life, you won't give a shit if you got your taxes in on time or not. You will remember the cats though. Probably because they are the ones that will eventually do you in.

  20. I love the choices of cartoons. I would never fault you for procrastinating about taxes. Totally understand waiting until the last minute.

  21. LOL! Somethings I procrastinate on and others, I just can't.

  22. They are all funny. The first one is hilarious.

  23. You want some IRONY!? Well sure you do!!
    I (we) send our tax info to my bro who is a taxman in EDMONTON!!! I want to tell you how easy it is ~~~ nope ~~~ distance is a bugger even if it's family!


  24. Love it! I need to acclimate to the cat lifestyle. Difficult for a Virgo.

  25. ha like you, I just am productive at unimportant things!!!!

  26. Ah, Procrastination, indeed. In a week or two, I'm planning a three month holiday to that Nation. Nice to see you, Debra!

  27. Procrastination is likely essential to creativity.

  28. Felines always teach us to prioritize, and somehow it makes our life better, when we know we have to care for them.
    Funny pictures! Yes, men never procrastinate!

  29. ha ha. i put the farm taxes off first in nov/12. i said no to early tax call. then feb/13, no i said "maybe march". now i've pushed them until the end of may. i rock at this delay thing.
    greetings from your long lost friend bev, who has been calving out cows for the last 3 weeks - the end is in sight. xx

  30. Some people might say I'm a procrastinator, but I prefer to think of it as being goal handicapped.

  31. Proud to be part of the Nation, there is no shame. Unfortunately, I have two children under 5 so I dont get to procrastinate laying down :( or in bed.

  32. I'm a pro at crastinating too. I do my best work under pressure. :)

  33. Love this!! Yes I used to be a member of that 'nation' too! Until I found a very good accountant in your fair city, Debra!! Easy peasy now.

  34. The cat ; "SO ?"
    We pay our accountant to do taxes. life is just too bloody short.
    50 now. Sage advice by the bucket load.

  35. i'm WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY better'n him! :P lmfao

  36. Hi.
    I've seen your hands at Cal's blog, but never dropped by. What took me so long? I don't know, but it's never too late to hop aboard a fun and silly blog.

    The rate at which I file my taxes corresponds to the amount of money I expect in return. I usually have to pay, so I usually wait until April.


  37. I've learned over the years that if I procrastinate until the absolute last minute, that the pressure will make me produce something even more amazing than if I had taken my sweet time. It's probably a terrible lesson, but it's 100% true and I stick by it to this day.

  38. HRH's wisdom makes me purr happily ;-D

  39. It's not procrastination. It's Just-in-time planning. All the hi-tech companies use it, so it must be good.

  40. I was going to read this 2 days ago but I left it till today...hA

  41. We should take our cats advise more often.
    You are not a procrastinator, but I am. I could not face doing the taxes, even though I am getting refunds, so I ended up filing extensions an hour before the deadline.

  42. If it weren't for my husband spurring me on daily, I would not get things done either. He's a master with that whip of his, beating me constantly to get things done. LOL You know I'm kidding about the whip, right? LMAO

  43. Yeah, my cat is definitely not sympathetic to my natural laziness.


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