Monday 8 April 2013

Petting Guide: Dogs vs Cats

But of course, cats also have their individual preferences. Know your cat!


  1. Miss Minga totally loves having her belly scratched.

  2. with my cats this totally depends on their daily mood :)

  3. My cat loves getting her belly scratched... but on her terms. If it's not the right moment, or the sun isn't aligned with the moon properly, well, I can expect an arm full of blood.

  4. OHHH so TRUE!!

    Our kitties over the years had the very same spots ~~~ I miss them now!


  5. Funny Debra! Our cat Dot, adopted at age 5, started out as a grumpy cat and is finally (at age 10) a normal cat. When we first got her, the only thing she would let us touch was her head!

  6. hahaha...this is why I have a dog!!! Glad you're back!

  7. LOL... why we don't own cats. They are way to finicky.

  8. With five cats and two dogs I can totally

  9. Haha...these are funny because they're true! And don't touch Grumpy Cat anywhere! She's the exception.

    One of my cats is a little odd. She loves having her belly scratched, and she enjoys being petted just about anywhere. The other one is a lot more nervous. She lets you pet her head (sometimes) but there's no way you'll get near that belly!

  10. I always hate the cat that will just hiss at you way before you get close.

  11. My monster kitty loves his head & ears being scratched, but I wouldn't attempt his tummy without wearing body armour.

  12. Haha! Love it! I have 2 cats with complete opposite personalities. Hence, they have different petting preferences. One of them actually loves having her tummy rubbed!

  13. Go die in a hole!!! I'm gonna have to add that one to my bag of tricks!

  14. Hey welcome back!
    This blog post with dogs and cats is SO true. I think that's why I love dogs.

  15. Hope you had a good trip.

    Hard as I try,I always feel tolerated by cats.

    Your dog diagram is pretty much spot on. It's just my opinion, but dogs certainly are a persons best friend. One speck of attention and they're happy for the whole day. :)

  16. LOL ... yeppers. I do have one kitty who presents her belly for a rub ... on her terms. She also likes a back massage. Welcome back!

  17. Wow, I have both dogs and a cat, and this is really accurate--ha ha. My cat loves having his head rubbed so much that when I do it he loses all control and starts drooling!

  18. Meow. You should have had one for we men. Then again we are willing to get petted anywhere just like the dog.

  19. The problem with Claude is that he does everything to make you think he wants a belly scratch. Rolls on his back, looks at you pleadingly. If you fall for it he attacks. I have to warn visitors: scratch at your own risk!

  20. There is a spot on Toad the new kitty that should be marked the "eat shit and die" spot. I mistakenly though it was like Cybella's "I'm gonna be your best friend spot" but I was way wrong and have the teeth marks to prove it. Ooooops, did I do that????
    Cat's you can't live without them and they know it.
    Oma Linda

  21. That is amazing! So true on the cat ones. Although our new guy, Mandrake, loves being scratched on his tummy. Most cats are "Fuck you!" there indeed.

  22. Pretty funny and uncannily accurate. Cats must be accepted on their own terms ... and they dictate those terms. They also change them according to their own whims.

  23. hahaha...teddy is the same way. just try to get near her no fly zone!

  24. Love it! They need a category to say hell yeah... that's enough... *chomp*

  25. My grandmother's Siamese Saki, would shred a person if they went near his belly. He was fierce. He once got into a fight with a raccoon and won.

  26. I've noticed that the black cat that my wife and I have certainly has her priorities!

  27. LOL! This is so right on the money!!! Love it! :0)

  28. I hope I come back as a cat!

  29. Hahaha.. I love staying in the region of "Nope" and "F You"!

  30. My cat, Minnie, is in a CATeGORY all her very own.
    You may pet her, but only in certain areas and even then, sometimes stroking her on her back (which she usually likes), she will look up at me, as if to say, "What the hell am I letting this BITCH touch me?" and try to scratch me! (She has always liked my son and husband better.) So, would you like an aging completely black cat? She's pretty but mean, kind of like me! :-)

  31. Seems pretty accurate based on our pets here.

  32. My cat definitely gives off the "F you" vibes if I even remotely try to scratch her stomach.

    And sometimes a stray paw will come out to reinforce that opinion too.

  33. This describes Molly and Kamir TO A TEE!
    Cats are crazy.

  34. Busting out laughing here! Ha haaa! Sometimes I relate to that grumpy cat.


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