Wednesday 1 May 2013

Happy May Day!

No, I don't mean the airplane disaster Mayday. What kind of sicko would wish you a happy one of those? Sheesh, gimme some credit.

And I don't mean the militaristic Soviet-style International Workers' Day May Day because that was never no fun for nobody (ooo, triple negative score!)

I mean the good old-fashioned pagan festival of running around nekkid in the fields with a horny goat god May Day!

Have fun!


  1. Happy May Day to you and yours.

  2. Happy May Day...the weather, here, is supposed to be Maylike, then back into the 30's. I'm so ready for real May weather.

  3. Most definitely the third one. Light a bonfire and colour me there :)

  4. When I was in third grade, in a very small town here in south Texas, I was chosen to be in the May Pole dance. I remember how pretty it looked when the dance was done, but don't remember much else. I know it goes back to the Druids, but I don't know if they knew that. Not sure if they still do it, but for years they did it every May 1st.

  5. "running around nekkid in the fields" sounds delicious, so I'm all for it!

    Happy Beltane!

  6. There won't be any frolicking in The Peg today. We have snow. But happy May Day to you and The Rare One just the same!

  7. Happy May Day! Unfortunately, the snow falling is putting a bit of a crimp in my 'frolicking in the fields!'

  8. Happy May Day to you and your love, Debra, my friend.

  9. It's May! It's May! The Lusty Month of May! Yeehaw!

  10. May of nekked! I love it!

  11. actually us in ex communist countries love May Day or the Labour day as we call it since there's no labour on the date :) We go in the nature and go crazy with food, drink and music....

  12. I got distracted at 'a horny goat god'!! That's just me!
    Have a wonderful May Day Debra.

  13. eek! I totally forgot! Happy May Day!

  14. Happy May Day to you as well Debra. Oma Linda

  15. This reminds me of a ritual where folks dance around the maypole. My sister, years ago, happened upon a Maypole dance and we were cracking up because they were all wearing gauzy outfits with no underwear, and you could see everything! It was very erotic, and one of the guys was dressed up as the horny goat god. I guess they were trying to be as close to naked as possible without breaking the law....but they were really pushing it.

  16. Well, in that case... happy May Day to you. :)

  17. I'm all in for crazy partying, a wild night of sex and drinking til I puke. Oh wait that's New Years Eve, yeah, sorry.

    Blessed Beltane, my dear.

  18. I'm there ~~ in all my nekkid glory, Debra! Hope there aren't any thorns! LOL

  19. It just so happens that I have a field, and may or may not, have been naked in that field......but no goats.

    .......2 out of 3?

  20. I want to put a May pole in my backyard but nobody seems to want to do it with me. Fuckers.

  21. Nekked with a horny goat man!!! Too funny. As a child, I remember one year at school decorating the May pole with ribbons and flowers. I thought it was the most magical thing. Happy May Day! **kesses** Deb

  22. Happy May Day, Debra! I just posted this comment at L.G.'s and thought you may find it funny too:

    When I lived in Germany we celebrated May Day with the locals since we lived off base. They told us to bring everything inside or it may end up at the May Pole. We brought in our Welcome mat, flower pots etc., but we neglected to drag in the BBQ. They placed it on top of the neighbor's garage. We found it the next morning. Hilarious!

  23. Happy Beltane, and may all the wishes you weave into your Maypole come true! BTW, on the pronunciation thing, the way I was taught was Bey-awl-hen-eh (the t is actually pronounced like a very gutteral h, often written "ch" like the first sound in "hanukkah"). However you say it, bright blessings of the seasons!

  24. In England when I was little we used to dance around the maypole on May Day. And by "we", I mean the girls who were considered by our teachers to be pretty enough to put on the dresses and perform for the parents. I was always sitting off to the side, buck-toothed and covered in freckles, watching. No, I'm not bitter...
    Happy May Day!

  25. Happy May Day!!! I love that last painting. It looks like those ladies are kicking that butt of that he-goat!

  26. mmmmmm nakkers n nude nubiles... neat! ;)

    blessings to you and yours, deb :)

  27. happy may day! and now my fall countdown actually begins in earnest!

  28. Hahaha...I wonder what my neighbours would think if I started 'running around nekkid' in my garden!

    Happy May Day, Debra!

  29. I suggested ( jokingly) to the Sisters Grimm that we invoke Pan last night so we could all run around naked in the bushes lol.
    Its suppose to be Samhain here anyway but still too hot and balmy.
    Climate Change is playing hell with the down under's wheel of the year !

  30. I am now seeking a horny goat god. Thanks for the luscious wishes.

    Happy May day back to you, Debra!


  31. Are there still tickets available? Looks like a helluva show!

  32. A horny goat god! I love how you phrased that.

  33. If it would warm up, I WOULD run around naked! May Shmay, it's still acting like November! Lol

  34. Uh oh, I'm late. Is everyone still nekkid, or did I just show up at the awkward moment that everyone stops dancing and is starting to get dressed again?

  35. I miss one day of reading blogs only to find out that I should of been running around naked yesterday. Just as well for those wanting to protect their eyes unfortunate images.

  36. haha.. horny goat gods are the best!! and by the way something tells you are right and once the baby comes noone is hoing to run to the kitchen to fetch me strawberry infused water lol!!!

  37. Happy May Day ;o) I am all for running around nekkid in the fields with a horny goat god ;o)

  38. Yeah, I'm for that last one.

    As for that first one, reminds of a board game that I played as a young 'un that was based on the Titanic.

    I'll leave the rest to everyone's imagination.

  39. I always look forward to cinco de mayo...good mexican food is a yafta.

  40. Sadly, May Day was too cold this year for nakedness. Not. Canadians can totally get naked in the cold. (We don't have much choice with 7 months of winter.)


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