Thursday 27 June 2013

New Neighbours

So after we got home from holidays, My Rare One was puttering around the yard when she noticed something odd, very odd, under a tree . . . WTF?

She ran to get me from the house and warily, we approached the scene a little closer. Is that a . . .  a . . . door? With a welcome mat and a broom beside it? Jeez, it looks like someone's living there. Do we have . . . new neighbours? YES! Wee faeries have decided to move into our tree and set up housekeeping.

We haven't actually laid eyes on the faeries yet, but clearly they enjoy gardening and bird watching. Isn't that little wheelbarrow with the hedge clippers and watering can adorable? And the little birdhouse with the bluebird of happiness on top -- squeeee! 

So welcome, neighbours! We hope you enjoy living here!

[In actual fact, this gorgeous faery door and accessories were made by the extremely talented artist, Jeanne Gripp of The Candy Corn Chronicles. I've enjoyed reading her blog for several years now and decided to surprise My Rare One by custom-ordering this magical installation for our yard. And My Rare One was indeed very surprised and very delighted with it! Click here to go to Jeanne's blog and here to go to her Etsy shop.]

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. I love the fairies living in my back yard. Got to watch out for them thieven birds...they love to steal fairy stuff.

  2. I really like that small little door, I wonder if I knocked if anyone would answer.

  3. There are fairies in my backyard but they don't have this most awesome stuff! I think I need to go order it for them.

  4. Aw had to go and tell me they're not real. Still pretty cute, though.

  5. I love faery gardens. This is so sweet. :) The little wheel barrel is adorable.

  6. I knew that faeries immigrated from Celtic lands along with some of my ancestors. I'm pleased to finally have evidence that they are here - but be careful Debra. They aren't what some folks think.

  7. I want faeries in my garden too!

  8. now that is cool, I love that!

  9. Makes me wish I had a backyard...this is so cute!

  10. So sweet! I'm going to check out the links... :)

  11. Wonderful! I know your new neighbors will be very happy in your lovely yard!
    And Thank You for the shout-out! :0)

  12. awwww...the wee ones have joined you. how wonderful!

  13. Fabulous!!! Love the whole set-up! I wonder what will come to that teeny tiny birdfeeder?
    Jeanne makes wonderful things. I ordered faery key necklaces from her for Yule, and they are delightful! I just may have a key to that door!

  14. That is very cool and my parents would absolutely love this (their backyard is full of huge trees). I might have to go surprise them with one...

  15. ~i am swooning...wee faerie neighbors for you...ever so magically adorable is their new home...much love light and blessings~

  16. Oh, here is a story. When my daughter was about 3 she found a Polly Pocket shoe. She was too little to know about Polly Pocket so I told her a fairy had lost the shoe. We kept the shoe on the mantle in case she came by our house looking for a missing shoe.

  17. I hope, if faeries move into our yard, they learn to hide their broom. Our dog cannot resist eating any broom that gets left out. :)

  18. *squeal* This is the cutest thing. Look at those tiny little accessories. So adorable. I would love to have something like this in my garden. I'll have to check out the shop!

  19. This is totally flippin' awesome! What fun for everyone who lays eyes upon this little scene. It's magical!

  20. Those are the best neighbors. Really cute.

  21. That is really darling. What a sweet surprise.

  22. I was just thinking about building some indoor fairy gardens this morning. I love that little door and furniture. So special.

  23. Oh Goodness! You are so lucky to have the little fairies living in your yard! I'm so happy for you! The accoutrements are just adorable!

  24. P.S. I don't blame Canada for the storms, I blame the oil companies!

  25. I hope they're as sweet and cute as I imagine they are.


  26. Coool! Faeries! I adopted a Korrigan from Brittany. His name is Nimble:

  27. I think the Doodle Faeries have invaded your backyard!!! Beware because they throw kisses when you least expect it!!

    Sophie Doodle

  28. SQUEEEE!!!!
    It's so cute!!
    I need to go check out that Etsy shop.

  29. Deb that is beautiful. My own fairy garden is washed out with all the rain we have had. The fairies have retreated UP the tree instead of into or under it. lol

  30. I absolutely love it! And everyone knows that anyone who's anyone has fairies at the bottom of the garden. You're obviously moving up in the world!

  31. Fantastic. I love it. The door, the little flowers. Great stuff.

  32. I. Love. This!! So whimsical and mysterious. I wish I had neighbors like that! Instead, we have rabbits. They eat everything. I bet the faeries wouldn't eat my garden. I would leave them snacks.

  33. How adorable is that!
    I want one too!!
    You have a very funny blog here...

    Linda :o)

  34. That is just totally adorable! I need one for the tree in my front yard!

  35. Debra, what a beautiful gift for your Rare One! I love everything! How special!

  36. oh and your faeries.........too cute!!


  37. Now make sure Debra when you see these fairies and talk to them to do a post for us.
    Hey, a couple of fairies would never hurt anyone!!

  38. I'm not sure whether I'm more jealous of you having fairies living in your yard or having A Rare One.

  39. Oh, snap. I had to pick today to be outside with my computer. My faeries are jealous. They especially want the welcome mat.

  40. Spoken with a hobbit accent (don't ask me why ..perhaps a Bilbo Baggins fetish ) I say " Loves me a good fairy haven ~I do ! "


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