Friday 5 July 2013

Chicken Chat

When I was in Manitoba over the long weekend, I had the great pleasure of meeting up with another bloggin' buddy -- mrsduncanmahogany of October's November! We had a wonderful visit, discussing many shared interests and experiences in and around Winnipeg. Then we got on the topic of chickens.

There are many summer festivals in small-town Manitoba that are fun to attend but mrsduncanmahogany filled me in on a new one -- Chicken Daze! She blogged about it here too. It's held in a bedroom community just outside of The Peg called Oakbank.

For the life of us, we could not figure out what connection could possibly exist between Oakbank and chickens that would either justify or necessitate a summer festival but . . . who knows? Perhaps all the other good summer festival themes were already taken and only chickens remained.

Anyway, mrsduncanmahogany and I had a lovely time sitting in an air-conditioned cafe and having something cold to drink, because my gawd it was just like a blast furnace outside that day.  It's a little known fact that Winterpeg can be hellishly hot and humid in the summer. Depending on what time of year it is, Winnipeggers basically freeze or fry.

Speaking of frying, now I'm craving KFC for some reason.


  1. I want some chickens as pets. There is a good chance they will be allowed in the house.

  2. Chicken stuff...My guys are just crowing...

  3. the cartoons!

    We are allowed to have chickens in our backyard. I'd love to have a couple as pets.

  4. And I thought Puck Fair in Ireland was unique. Chicken festival beats out goat festival I think. On the little island where I live chickens and chicks run loose everywhere. So cute!

  5. WinterPeg, haha!!
    Fun to think of you and mrsduncanmahogany clucking together on a hot afternoon. I bet you two cracked a lot of yolks, er..jokes. And btw, which did come first, the chicken or the 'Peg?

  6. My grandmother had chickens that used to run after me and nip at my ankles when I ran into the back yard.

  7. hahaha..very funny selection of jokes. Who knew chickens were that funny?

  8. Winterpeg and henopause LOL and LOL

  9. Oh no, it's Gordon bleedin Ramsey! I love hokey small festivals. When The Spawn was little we went to every one within driving distance and we have the best memories of those times.

    Nice to hear you got to spend time with a fellow blogger and enjoy the day.

  10. Love the funnies, but I'm a firm believer that chickens are very scary...eeek!

  11. I SO want to move to Niagara Falls because there you can have backyard chickens. The only time I went to Winnipeg was when I was 19 and we ended up on a farm with 2 old people and no running water. It was like 120f outside and the thunderstorms! Oy. Fry for sure. It was a bizarre trip...

  12. Ha! Love the last one! Isn't that what we all want!

  13. ahahahahahahaaaahahahaaa! I love this! You made my day dear.

  14. So cool that you met another blogger. I want to do this one day, with every blogger I love. lol And love the Hell's Kitchen pic up there. I dreamed about Gordon Ramsy last night. It was weird.

  15. You had me at Henopause!

  16. I actually love fancy chickens...the fluffy type. Love all your chicken humor. Seriously, why does the chicken's motives always come into question.


  17. Henopause ...dangerous time of life for some chickens ... often find themselves in hot water by then on some farms ... stewed .
    They are safe here even when there eggs run out.

  18. I've been watching Hell's Kitchen and am very amused by that graphic of him. He's always verbally abusing the kitchen staff.


  19. I was craving KFC about ten years ago. My brothers, a friend and I ordered some. My brother's conclusion after a bite: "This is disgusting".

  20. I just finished eating chicken for dinner. It was delicious! I wouldn't mind going to chicken fest!

  21. I keep at least a dozen big fat hens in my back yard all the time!!! Bak bak bak!!!

  22. Henopause!!!!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard of! Thanks for making me snort with laughter...loved the visit, loved the jokes! I still want chickens and if my husband ever reads this post, he's still building my hen hut!

  23. KFC? Don't do it! that stuff'll kill ya! Oh, what the hell, you gotta die from something!

  24. There is some kind of chicken spa in Eugene (hippy town) in my state. I'm not making this up.

  25. Yum, I could go a Zinger Burger right now too.

  26. Woah...trying again - it's been so hard to comment here. Keeps telling me I've mistaken my identity.
    Anyhoo - so cool for you!
    I love meeting other bloggers!

  27. Oh, this entire post is so hilarious. Henopause? LOL Really... that one had me on the floor.

  28. LOL! I have also heard and witnessed actually the BIGGEST mosquitoes I have ever seen in good ole Winnipeg!!
    Fun to 'catch up' with blogger friends, eh Debra?!

  29. I'm 'cracking up' over these!

  30. You got me hungry for some KFC too! LOL! Excellent you got to meet up with another bloggin buddy! Busy girl you! Take Care ;o)

  31. I, too, dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned. LOL! Sounds like a fun time was had by all.

  32. that's a cock crossing the road, neither chicken nor hen...

    as fur winterpeg: y're firgittin the skeeter airforce, come summer!

  33. Sounds like a great time and chicken jokes -- yeehaaw!

  34. Have you heard of Mike the Headless Chicken. No joke.

  35. I'm thinking I have a whole chicken in the freezer..hmmm

  36. How wonderful that you got to meet mrsduncanmahogany !!! And it sounds like the two of you were on the road to answering all those earthly questions that plague so many of us! :0)


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