Friday 12 July 2013

HRH the Pirate Queen

Remember earlier this year when I wrote how HRH had ditched me in order to be a Pirate Queen over at another blog? Well, she's back now from her adventures at O'Leary Miniatures -- and she didn't come home alone! She brought along Suzie Swagger, the first mate on her pirate ship. Suzie is a high-spirited gal with a penchant for bikini bottoms and mayhem. She and HRH get along famously.

Both these wee miniatures are only 32 mm (1 inch) high. Isn't that incredible? Thank you, Anne, for painting them so beautifully and sending them to Edmonton. I was only expecting HRH in the mail but Anne included Suzie Swagger as a surprise for My Rare One. And Anne correctly divined her exact taste in pirate babes! It's uncanny but then again, Anne is Irish.

[Photo courtesy of Anne O'Leary]


  1. those are extremely small figures! Wonder how small are the mice that HRH catches!

  2. Incredible that they're so small! Makes my head hurt just to think of painting something that tiny.

    (What is it about boots that make bikinis look ... smaller?)

    Glad HRH is back.

  3. WOW! I think that's a job for young eyes and steady hands. Both of which I have neither!

    That's a sexy little pirate! But even though I'm not going to ever complain about seeing a lady pirate dressed like that, I alway have a thought in the back of my mind about how they were able to dress like that and spend months at sea on a ship filled with grizzled horny me with swords. Metal swords, I mean.

  4. Incredible! So tiny! And what detail. Quite a fine pair. :0)

  5. Nice work ...I may hit her up for a little Jack Sparrow. Yes I swoon for J.D. :)

  6. HRH makes quite a nice pirate. Those miniatures are awesome. Such detail!!

  7. oh my goodness, these are fabulous miniatures. I admire those that have the where with all to do such detailed and fabulous art. HRH and Suzie Swagger are perfection. Oma Linda

  8. I love these miniatures. I saw the sweetest little mermaids on Amazon that I'm thinking of ordering.

  9. Suzie Swagger.....has quite a swagger.....I must say!


  10. Wow! So tiny and yet so amazingly detailed and beautiful!

  11. That's a mighty fine looking shipmate you've got there me hearty! ;)

  12. Only 1 inch tall? Wow, the details are spectacular. Anne is quite the talent.


  13. OK I kid you not, Suzie Swagger looks JUST LIKE the woman who led a training I was in today. No cat, sadly.

  14. Suzie's going to get an awful lot of splinters climbing up to the crows nest unless she puts on a pair of pants.

  15. I WANT her boots and her, um... undies, I mean, bikini. And I swear, Suzie Swagger is the coolest name, EVER ;-D

  16. These are so tiny!! Wow!! Truly works of art! I love them! A very thoughtful gift from Suzie for your Rare One ;o)

  17. I love little pieces of art. This is a grand masterpiece!

  18. Love the miniatures! Makes my fingers and eyes hurt just thinking about painting that small. I'm pretty sure I've got the same outfit that Suzie Swagger is wearing. :-D We don't wear it the same way :-(

  19. Great work here! So small but very precise.

  20. I LOVE miniatures! And pirates. And cats. Will be checking this blog.

  21. Shiver me timbers! That's awesome!


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