Wednesday 17 July 2013

Mr. Darcy in the News

Every Mr. Darcy fan loves the iconic "lake scene" in the 1995 BBC production of Pride and Prejudice. Who can forget Mr. Darcy after his swim, with his tousled hair and clingy wet shirt, as he unexpectedly and awkwardly encounters Elizabeth Bennet touring his family estate? It's the scene that made Colin Firth a sex symbol. (I can't embed it due to copyright reasons but you can see it on YouTube by clicking here.)

So take a peek at this next video and see what those crazy Brits are doing to mark the bicentennial of Pride and Prejudice's publication --

The irony, of course, is that the lake scene was not actually written by Jane Austen at all. No, it's purely a creation of the TV version. Oh well, who cares? It's Colin Firth in a wet cotton shirt -- YAY!!!!


  1. This is awesome! Real shirt and all! What a tribute. I wonder how Colin Firth feels about this. The nipples even look great on the sculpture!

  2. Amazing. What will they think of next?

  3. Hilarious! If Jane Austen had had any inkling of who was eventually going to play Mr. Darcy, the lake scene would've been the first thing she wrote! Either way, it was a very attractive addition to the story!!

  4. seen that last week around the web. I've never understood Austen fans. She's such a horrid writer....

  5. Yes, I wonder what Colin Firth thinks of this "tribute" and celebratory piece of art? Oma Linda

  6. A little crazy, but who can resist The Firth!!

  7. That is hilarious! But I love it! Colin Firth made me swoon when I saw in in that scene!

  8. Too funny, Debra...need me one of dem!!

  9. I so love P & P. I watch it atleast once a year usually around Xmas when all the Austins get pulled out.
    Colin Firth is a mesmerizing male for sure.

  10. Any truth to the rumour that you got that giant Mr. Darcy floated over to Canada and then delivered to your place, via a Canuck truck, eh?

    I'm going now.

    A confused Canadian sorting out England,

    Gary :)

  11. "Mankind will begin to recover the moment he takes art as seriously as physics, chemistry or money." ~Ernst Levy

  12. That is quite interesting to see ...I think the swan at the beginning of the video thought the same.

  13. Hahahaha! How wonderful! Mr. Darcy is just too naughty in that wet shirt! I'm all flustered now!

  14. I, too, am a Colin fan....or am I TOO OLD for that!


  15. Oh my lord....are you kidding me? Those crazy Brits is right! In a good way... That is amazing.

  16. Can't embed due to copyright? Those pricks!

    We had a girls' night and we all got together and just played that ONE SCENE on the DVD. We were that impressed.

  17. Let me start by saying that I LOVE Colin Firth. LOVE. That being said...the giant Mr. Darcy is kinda creepy...

  18. Wow, that looks terrifyingly like Colin Firth!

  19. I love this! So creative!! Very cool!

  20. I love Colin Firth in just about every movie he ever starred in. Isn't it interesting that the writers that made the movie felt they had to change up the original story. Jane's story did pretty well on it's own.


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