Monday 14 October 2013

Turkey Joy!

We had our Thanksgiving Feast yesterday. My Rare One outdid herself as usual: roast turkey, mashed potatoes, turnips, gravy, stuffing and pumpkin pie! A bunch of friends came and helped us polish it off. Yum!

Thanksgiving blessings to everyone who is celebrating this weekend!


  1. That sounded good we have a while to wait here, not sure we will have turkey this year. Happy Happy.

  2. Sounds wonderful - Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Sounds fantastic. Now I am hungry. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. That all sounds amazing, and makes me wish ours would hurry up and get here already! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Debra! Sounds like you had a great time. But why wasn't I invited? I thought I was a friend! Hahaha...just teasing...maybe :) Glad you enjoyed.

  6. Turnips! Cool, there's never enough turnips! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving Debra, to you and your family.

  7. A Happy, Joyous Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  8. Love love the 'happy people' quote... so true... Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Here in the UK we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. What a bitch. Glad you had fun!

  10. Thanksgiving blessings back to you, Debra.


  11. Happy Thanksgiving Deb ;o) We just finished having mom's pumpkin pie ;o) Does your rare one make it from scratch?

  12. Happy Thanksgiving!!! It's such a wonderfully filling day to celebrate... so much to be thankful for, including the food. ;-) Can't wait for ours next month. Planning the meal already. Enjoy your leftovers and your thankful heart.
    Blessings, Bird

  13. a very happy thanksgiving to you and your rare one. nom...turkey

  14. Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday!!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving from a Southern Hemispherer!

  16. We gotta plan this out next year so we can be at my wife's Canadian relatives for early thanksgiving, then back home for American Thanksgiving.

  17. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! You mean she did all of the cooking?! I'm jealous.

  18. Yes, My Rare One did it all! We got the pumpkin pie from Safeway but apart from that, she prepared the whole meal. I'm a lucky girl, aren't I? You know WHO I'm most thankful for!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving! :) Dinner sounds yummy and very filling! Punkin pie is delicious!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving Debs! It always throws me off because you guys have yours earlier than ours! I for one can't wait! Are you passed out now?

  21. It was a feast here as well! And leftovers! :)

  22. Happy belated Thanksgiving! I can't wait until ours. Casserole time!

  23. This is from my friend Michael Cohen, who is a comedian and had lived in Canada for a few years:

    Things Canadian’s can be thankful for:

    Canadians' national pride is easily wounded, but treatment is fully covered under the Medical Care Act.

    Owing to Canada's tradition of multiculturalism, Stephen Harper is Canada's 8th black prime minister. Canada has also had 17 Asian prime ministers, 12 First Nations, 32 women, 19 LGBT, 14 differently abled and 3 jazz percussionists.

    Every year, Canada's fertile soil yields a bumper crop of the letter u, which Canadians liberally sprinkle into words that don't really need them.

    Mike Myers' performance in Wayne's World 2 is more nuanced than Dana Carvey's.

    Where else are you going to get maple syrup? It's not like, say, Vermont is equally famous for it or anything.

    Cheese curds that squeak when you eat them. It is very important to have squeaky food.

    SCTV, home to such indelible characters as Count Floyd (oops, Joe Flaherty is from Pittsburgh) and Edith Prickley (oops again, Andrea Martin is from Maine).

    All Canadians read the same book at the same time. They're currently on page 153, paragraph 4 of Mordecai Richler's The Incomparable Atuk.

    No matter what anyone thinks, Canadians do NOT say "aboot." That's certainly something to be thankful aboat.

    As yet, the Space Shuttle's robotic arm has not developed behavioral autonomy and rampaged across downtown Calgary, Alberta, causing death, destruction and shattered lives reminiscent of the Flames' 2012-13 season.

    There is only one Red Green, and Canada's got him. Oops, I meant to post this in "Things the rest of the world can be thankful for."

    It is very easy for bratty Canadian teens to alter the lyrics of the national anthem to "Oh, Candida."

    A free-standing structure is, um, almost like a building!

    Pouring a delicious glass of milk straight from the bag.

    The world has largely forgotten Anne Murray.

    "Dinner" is considerably easier to say than "macaroni and cheese."

    Hockey, under the condition that they own the absurdity that hockey is played in Florida and Texas.
    Surely no other donut chain will ever develop a product remotely like a Timbit.

    Most USAians who indignantly say they're moving to Canada when their political candidate loses don't follow through.

    Their flag can be drawn with only one crayon.

  24. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving !
    Sounded like it was also delicious .

  25. Love the "thankful" sign"...glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. It's on you that I am now craving turkey.

    PS..thanks to Suzy 8 Track, I have a better understanding of all the wonderful things about Canada. Gotta love a country that only requires one crayon to draw the flag.

  26. Yes, Suzy 8-Track's comment with Michael Cohen's list lays our national Canadian soul BARE for all to see! BARE!

  27. Sounds wonderful, love the thankful sign... and love SUZY8-TRACK's list!

  28. Harvest time is the time for real foods. Eating harvest is linking with Mother Nature.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. Happy Thanksgiving to you my blogging friend!

  30. Coming in a day or two late to say I am glad your Thanksgiving was fun and filling! 2/3 of us have been down and out with the dreaded cold. Lots of kleenex and nyquil to be had! Glad your day was happy!

  31. Sounds like you had a great day, which is fantastic. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  32. Happy Thanksgiving ..Wish your sister all the best..

  33. Belated happy Thanksgiving to you. I never really celebrate it, but would be all in favour for a turkey dinner every mid-October. Or a special dinner to differentiate it from Christmas. One day we made Swiss cheese fondue my brothers and I, but then it was on my bro's birthday.


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